It’s time to forget those stereotypical images of the lazy, sleepy stoner. These days, marijuana – particularly medical marijuana – is no longer associated with lethargy, drowsiness and lying on the couch in your underwear all day, working your way through a whole tray of cookies. For too long, medical marijuana card holders had to put up with being portrayed as this damaging stereotype. Thankfully, with the further spread of the medical weed card and use of MMJ strains across the country, these nonsense falsities about cannabis card carriers are being debunked faster than you can say ‘Duuuuude’.
While there are undeniably some MMJ strains that can make the user less active, there are plenty of other strains that boost energy, focus concentration and get your creative juices flowing.
Choosing the Right MMJ Strain
The key to choosing the right medical marijuana strain boils down to the age old indica vs. sativa argument. On a chemical level, the two types of MMJ are significantly different, with indica strains exhibiting a high THC: CBD ratio while sativa strains exhibit the opposite. Although indica strains do have their uses, they’ll end up giving you that all over body stoned feeling, a.k.a. the dreaded couch lock. After you consume indica, you are exponentially less likely to be productive. For this reason, indica should be steered clear of while you’re working (unless you want to get into a raging argument with your boss!)
Sativas, on the other hand, are uplifting and energetic and can be consumed while working with no negative side effects. Not only will you experience no bad side effects, but you’ll also find yourself more productive, more positive and much more likely to get a whole lotta work done.
Here’s our top picks of the best sativa strains to consume while at work.

Instead of making you drowsy and unmotivated, there are plenty of MMJ strains that can boost energy, focus concentration and get your creative juices flowing.
Jack Herer
There’s a good reason why Jack Herer is one of the most popular strains on the market today. The strain is energizing, uplifting and incredibly mentally stimulating, making it the perfect go-to strain for busy medical marijuana card holders. If you’re got a tight deadline looming and are starting to become a little overwhelmed by the task at hand, consuming even a small about of Herer will help. If you can’t get your hands on Jack Herer itself, opt for a derivative of the strain, like Jack the Ripper or Galatic Jack.
Sour Tsunami
Some MMJ card holders find themselves to be incompatible with high THC strains, as they can leave them anxious, drowsy or nauseous. If this sounds like you, Sour Tsunami will be a godsend. Sour Tsunami is a high CBD strain that is excellent at focusing concentration. This mellow focus will enable you to complete mountains of work, without any added stress. If you consume this at work, the only thing you’re at risk of doing is bothering your colleagues with a seriously upbeat, positive attitude.
Like Jack Herer, Haze is one of the most popular strains of MMJ on the market, and for good reason. This strain is ever popular for work consumption due to its unrivaled ability at combating depression and fatigue. Perfect for consuming during a mid afternoon slump, Haze will provide you with the energy – and the attitude – that you need to smash your day’s targets with no stress.
Purple Trainwreck
The spicy lemon and berry scent of this incredible strain is enough alone to boost your energy levels for the day. Twin that delicious scent with the euphoric, energizing, pain busting effects of PT, and you’ve got yourself the ideal strain for using at work. Effects of this strain are strong and immediate, so you’ll start to feel all that goodness wash in straight after consuming it. When using Purple Trainwreck, it’s important to be careful with your dosag- smoke too much and you could fall victim to the dreaded couch lock.
Sour Diesel
As a strong sativa strain, Sour Diesel produces a euphoric head high that is ideal for focusing your mind on the work task at hand. You can forget needing a morning coffee when you’re consuming Sour Diesel, as it is the ultimate awakener, providing you with enough energy and mental stimulation to keep you buzzing throughout the work day. As well as significantly tackling fatigue, Sour Diesel is excellent at warding off work related anxiety, stress and depression.
Cinex is a marvelous sativa dominant hybrid strain that is a firm favorite among those with particularly challenging jobs. When consumed at work, Cinex produces a cognitive stimulation effect, similar to that which you’d get from a good, strong cup of coffee. If you have a complex task that you need to carry out with razor sharp precision, consuming Cinex will guide you through it with ease. While there’s no doubt that this strain can be invaluable to some MMJ card holders at work, it’s important to note that you should be careful with your dosage, as too much Cinex can cause users to feel anxious.

The MMJ strain Cinex is as powerful as a strong cup of coffee, but don’t consume too much or you’ll get too anxious and won’t be able to focus.
By opting for any of the above MMJ strains, you’ll be sure to banish any notion of inactivity for your important work day. As you would in any other environment, it’s important that you consume discreetly while you’re work, so as to avoid any discomfort for yourself or your co workers. For tips on how to consume discreetly and respectfully, check out our handy go-to guide.