Before we get into the best strains of medial marijuana for inducing sleep, let’s talk about insomnia.
Insomnia is a frustrating and debilitating condition that impacts the lives of 60 million Americans. Not being able to sleep, despite being tired, drained, and having little energy, is very unpleasant and can lead to all sorts of negative physical and psychological effects.
For most of us, the harder we try to fall asleep, the more difficult it is to do so. If you suffer from insomnia it can be damn near impossible to drift off, no matter how many sheep you count!
Conventional sleeping pills are one solution, but they can have unpleasant physical and mental side effects. They can also be addictive and many people develop crippling dependencies that are extremely difficult to escape.
Another cure for insomnia is medical cannabis, and now that cannabis cards are legal in 29 states, more and more people who find it difficult to get some shut-eye are using particular MMJ strains for sleep benefits.
It seems that medical cannabis really is a bit of a magic bullet when it comes to treating insomnia.

Did you know you can use medical marijuana for inducing sleep?
But not all strains of medical cannabis are created equally when it comes to blasting people off into dreamland. Indicas, with their less heady and more heavy, relaxing body-high, are usually best for inducing slumber. Most sativas, on the other hand, tend to have a more energizing, heady effect that may in fact keep you awake.
But not all indicas are equally insomnia-crushing either – some strains will knock you out more assuredly than others. So here is our list of the six best strains of medical marijuana for inducing sleep.
Big Bud is a very strong indica plant with (yes, you’ve guessed it!) big buds. These big buds contain a super-dose of potent CBD that will make your eyelids feel heavier than boulders in no time. Big Bud will essentially knock you out within a few minutes. With this CBD-heavy beast circulating in your bloodstream, sleep is guaranteed. It is advisable to put your pajamas on and brush your teeth before you hit Big Bud, because you might not manage to do so afterwards.
Pound Hammer is an indica that is renowned for its mind-quieting and anxiety-reducing properties. For people who struggle with a head full of frantic thoughts and incessant self-chatter, Pound Hammer is a great choice of medical marijuana for inducing sleep. It gradually turns the volume down to zero on your self-talk and your worries, replacing them with a silent, dreamy, relaxed calm. Once you have a few hits of Pound Hammer there’s no turning back – it is well and truly time to say (or slur) “goodnight.”

Try one of these strains for some quality shut-eye.
Afghan Kush is a famous old indica strain that incites a heavy, drowsy, body-focused high. It is brilliant for getting rid of pain and quieting anxious thoughts. A few hits of Afghan Kush will give you a strong desire to eat anything you can get your hands on, but an even stronger desire to sleep. So don’t smoke unless you are ready to fall asleep pretty darn soon, and quite possibly wake up 10 hours later covered in chips and chocolate wondering, “What the hell just happened?”
Blue Mystic is one of the less potent “insomnia-blasters” on the list. It will not necessarily knock you into a coma in the same way that Big Bud or Afghan Kush will, but it will give you a delightful body-high and a warm, tingling feeling of relaxation. The chilled-out body-high and feelings of wellbeing that Blue Mystic induce will gently nudge you into a zone in which you can chill out and watch some TV, but you could also kick your shoes off, lie back, and drift off into a warm, fuzzy snooze. Blue Mystic is ideal for people who have mild insomnia or just like a little hit of something light to help them unwind, and maybe nap in front of the TV.
Bubba Kush is a hybrid of Bubble Gum and Kush. It has a relatively low THC content of 16%. Bubba Kush gives a strong, CBD-induced body-high. It is very relaxing and almost numbing. A few hits of Bubba Kush and you will have a blissfully clear mind (almost as if you’ve just been on a month-long meditation retreat!). With Bubba Kush massaging your neurons, the world moves in slow motion and sleep becomes impossible to resist. A gallon of strong coffee couldn’t keep you awake after a few tokes of Bubba Kush.
Critical Mass is an indica-dominant strain that is a heavy sleep-inducer. It has a mellow, earthy, citrus flavor and strong, strong sedative qualities. When the Sandman gets even a faint whiff of Critical Mass in the air, he drops whatever he’s doing and immediately follows his nose straight to the source, where he gently puts his index finger on your forehead and whispers “Sleep.” Just a few hits of Critical Mass and you will be ready to pass out wherever you happen to be sitting… Preferably in the comfort of your own home!