The ever-growing list of ailments that medical marijuana has been proven to treat seems like it’s never going to stop expanding. From menstrual cramps to bowel cancer, MMJ seems to have an ameliorative effect on just about any illness that can target a human body.
If we were to list every disease, illness or condition that could be helped by the drug, we’d be here all day. Instead, take a look at these six conditions that medical marijuana card holders across the country have seen effectively combated by MMJ.
Medical marijuana is increasingly being used as a credible and effective treatment for a number of neurological conditions, particularly epilepsy. The active component of medical marijuana that is integral to fighting the symptoms of epilepsy is cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive part of the plant. The positive testimonies given by MMJ card holders with epilepsy have been mirrored by numerous studies on the potent effectiveness of the drug in its treatment.
During these scientific studies, seizures were reduced by a whopping 54% in those who had been previously unresponsive to other available treatments. Medical marijuana’s success in controlling epilepsy is often at the forefront of the argument for legalization in non-MMJ card states – a testament to its effectiveness.
Crohn’s Disease

More doctors are seeing that MMJ helps Crohn’s disease sufferers get their appetite back, and it reduces inflammation of the intestinal tract.
Inflammatory bowel conditions, like Crohn’s Disease, are a popular qualifying ailment for a medical marijuana card. Crohn’s Disease is a chronic, painful and uncomfortable disease that affects the intestinal tract. As the disease is sadly incurable, patients with it are unfairly destined to suffer from it in some capacity for the rest of their lives. Symptoms present with Crohn’s disease include rectal bleeding, chronic diarrhea, drastic weight loss and chronic abdominal pain. Medical marijuana works to combat these symptoms in a number of ways.
Predominantly, MMJ tackles Crohn’s by significantly reducing the inflammation of the intestinal tract, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. As well as this, MMJ is the ultimate appetite booster, meaning that those with an aversion to eating when their Crohn’s flares up will get a reinvigorated hunger. Finally, medical marijuana is an unrivaled pain reliever for the unrelenting and excruciating pain that comes with Crohn’s Disease.
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a long-term neurodegenerative disease that attacks the central nervous system. The onset of Parkinson’s is slow, but the results can be devastating. Unfortunately, early detection of Parkinson’s is nearly impossible, as the symptoms come on ever so slightly over a prolonged period of time. As the disease is incurable, treatment for it is based solely around making the patient as comfortable as possible. Brain surgery is of course an option, but most people don’t want the invasion and the risk that comes with it.
There are some prescription medicines on the market, but these can come with debilitating side effects like extreme nausea and depression. Medical marijuana is an effective and kind treatment for Parkinson’s, as it comes without side effects – a dream for those on harsher meds. The tremors, jerks and pain associated with Parkinson’s disease all respond positively to MMJ treatment, enabling the patient to live a fuller, more independent life.
Multiple Sclerosis
Like Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis is a devastating condition that attacks the central nervous system of the body, particularly going after the immune system. Our immune system is hardwired to fight off unwelcome bacteria that presents itself within our bodies. Unfortunately, for those of us who suffer with MS, the disease confuses our immune system, making it turn against our natural body tissue, particularly our brain and spinal cord. Symptoms of MS include numbness, slurred speech, and in more serious cases, paralysis.
As 200 new cases of MS are diagnosed in the US every week, more and more people are turning to medical marijuana cards to help treat the unrelenting disease. Most MS patients find their medication too vital to substitute it completely with medical marijuana, instead opting to use it as a way to help them deal with the symptoms of the disease. MMJ also helps with the nasty side effects that come from taking medication.
In former years, a Human Immunodeficiency Virus diagnosis would be a death sentence, stripping the patient of any prospect they had of a future. Thankfully, with the dawn of wonderful new medicines and technologies, HIV can now be effectively controlled and the patient can live a full and happy life. As there is no known cure for HIV, patients must take measures to ensure they can live comfortably.
Consumed alongside antiretroviral medications, medical marijuana works effectively at easing and ameliorating any pain or discomfort associated with the disease, as well as tackling unwelcome side effects from prescribed drugs.
A study conducted in 2005 found that a staggering 60% of HIV patients across the country consumed medical marijuana in addition to their medication. All MMJ friendly states recognize HIV as a qualifying ailment for a medical marijuana card, so all those in need of the drug can access it with ease.
Medical marijuana has lovingly been dubbed ‘green Prozac’ by those MMJ card holders who use it to treat their depression. The plant is an effective, natural alternative to antidepressants, which can sometimes come with a whole host of nasty side effects. The reason behind MMJ’s effectiveness at treating depression has to do with a little something called endocannabinoids.
Endocannabinoids are naturally-occurring chemical compounds within our brains that regulate our emotions and behavior. When our endocannabinoid production is compromised, we’re left feeling dejected, lethargic and most of all, depressed. The chemical makeup of endocannabinoids is very similar to that of medical marijuana, meaning that when someone with depression consumes MMJ, they’re replacing the depleted endocannabinoids, thus significantly lifting their mood and restoring their emotional equilibrium.
While there’s no doubt that medical marijuana can be an effective treatment plan for any one of these conditions, it’s vitally important that you consult with your doctor before you opt to use it. If you’re unsure of your suitability for an MMJ card, they’ll be able to advise you and talk you through whether it will benefit to your condition.