There are many myths about MMJ and one of the main ones is that the only form available is joints that you can smoke. The truth is that there are many different forms of medical marijuana and, depending on the condition that you’re treating, they may have wildly differing effects. You may also prefer differing treatment forms due to personal taste, but no matter what your preference, there’s a form of MMJ out there for everyone!
1. Tinctures
A tincture is one of the most highly concentrated forms of medical marijuana in liquid form. It can be bought or made at home, but it should only be attempted by people who are comfortable with making it. It’s a discreet form of MMJ as you can slip it in your purse or pocket and pop a few drops on your tongue as and when you need it. It’s a good entry point for people who are a bit nervous about medical marijuana.

With edibles, you can have your MMJ and eat it too!
2. Edibles
Edibles are one of the most popular forms of medical marijuana, and it’s easy to see why. Who doesn’t want to combine medication with dessert? They take many forms in and of themselves, including lollipops, hard candies, brownies, and cookies. These can also be made at home, but they’re very widely available. Their strengths can vary, so it’s a good idea to discuss your requirements with a dispensary employee so you don’t end up with an edible that’s too strong. It’s also important to make sure that you eat the right amount to properly treat your condition.
3. Oil
Cannabis oil is a natural essential oil that is derived directly from the cannabis plant. It has attracted a lot of media attention for its therapeutic benefits and is one of the most popular forms of medical marijuana. Make sure you don’t take it on an empty stomach, as it can be quite strong. Take a little at first to build up your tolerance, then you can test how much your body needs to treat your condition. It is not as discreet as a tincture, but it is just as powerful; just make sure you pick a strain that is suitable for your condition.
4. Lotions
Lotions are one of the lesser-known forms of medical marijuana, but they’re an excellent gateway for a first-time user. They are usually recommended for people with chronic pain as they can treat conditions locally and quickly. Medical marijuana lotions come in all shapes and sizes, scented and unscented, so there’s a lotion out there for everyone. Try a few different options until you find one that works best for you, but don’t be afraid to ask for advice if you’re a bit intimidated. It can be worse than a beauty counter in some dispensaries!

Joints are one of the most commonly used forms of medical marijuana.
5. Joints
The old reliable when it comes to medical cannabis, joints and smoking MMJ are one of the most popular forms of treatment. Combining tobacco with medical marijuana, it’s a good form of MMJ for people who are comfortable with smoking. It’s not a form that is particularly discreet, but if you’re happy to smoke at home and enjoy the ritual, it could be the perfect type of medical cannabis for you. Make sure that you pick the correct strain and speak to a dispensary employee to ensure the combination of tobacco and MMJ in the joints is right for you.
6. Vaping
If you’re not comfortable with smoking tobacco, vaping could be one of the perfect forms of medical marijuana for you. You use herb cannabis or oil to create a steam vapor, which you inhale through a special device that can be easily customized. Many people buy into vaping as a lifestyle and learn how to make interesting and cool vaping devices. Vaping is a lot more discreet than smoking joints as it creates steam as opposed to smoke, and it doesn’t smell as strong as smoking medical marijuana with tobacco. You can get a simple vaping pen at any dispensary and an employee can advise you on the best ways to use it.
If you’re unsure as to which of the forms of medical marijuana to take, it’s best to speak to someone at your local dispensary. Once you have your MMJ card, they’ll be able to give you some advice on the best form of medical cannabis to treat your specific condition. You may also like to speak to the medical professional who provided you with your MMJ letter, as they usually tend to specialize in medical marijuana and are best-placed to give you advice. The good news is that in California, you can pick and choose your medical marijuana, so don’t be afraid to try a few forms out until you find the one that’s right for you.