It can be very difficult to navigate the world of medical marijuana if you are unfamiliar with it, so it’s important to do your research and shop around to get the best treatment available to you. As well as the stigma associated with the treatment, the options available are just mind-boggling!
We’ve compiled a list of ways to ensure you find the right MMJ strain for you so that you can live the best life possible with the condition you have.
Research the Treatment

If you’re unsure of the best type of MMJ strain to use for your illness or condition, contact a medical professional.
Most people who are eligible for treatment with medical marijuana may not be aware that they can access it. Depending on the state that you live in, if you suffer from cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, depression, anorexia nervosa, epilepsy or countless other conditions, you may be eligible for treatment with medical marijuana.
First, find out if your state allows medical marijuana treatment. If it does, research the terms and conditions of the conditions allowed for treatment. Some states, such as California, are quite liberal about allowing citizens access to MMJ but others, such as New York, have very strict guidelines.
Go to a Reputable Medical Professional

To learn more about medical marijuana strains, you can go online and talk to a medical professional, who will answer any questions.
If you live in a state with liberal MMJ laws, you may be familiar with the sketchy establishments that can assign you a medical marijuana letter. These are often quite intimidating, so a good option for first-time patients is often an online consultation. You can log on, have a video chat with a qualified medical professional who will ask about your condition.
Don’t worry about judgement. These professionals are open and really believe in the power of MMJ to treat people like you. They will then send you a stamped and signed letter that you can then use to access medical marijuana.
Get a Good Dispenser
Along with a good medical professional to recommend the treatment of medical marijuana for you, it is so important to get acquainted with the best dispensary possible. Put simply, dispensaries can make or break your medical marijuana experience. They are the experts who can advise you on the best strains and delivery methods available to you.
If you’re someone who doesn’t know a lot about MMJ, the best thing to do is to go in, be completely honest about your lack of knowledge and let the dispensary employees point you in the right direction. Think about it like asking a bartender for their advice on the best kind of cocktail to drink!
Research the Strains

It’s best to know the differences between the different MMJ strains so you can get the proper one for your personal needs.
As well as speaking to your dispensary, it is possible to do your own, independent research. There is a wealth of knowledge available online on different strains and how they can effect and treat different conditions. Using strains with CBD, THC or a combination of the two in different strengths will have differing effects, so it’s important to be educated in relation to what works best for your condition.
Luckily, there is a wealth of knowledge online relating to strains that can treat different illnesses and if you have any difficult questions, this is something to ask your dispenser or medical professional. There is no such thing as a stupid question!
Research Methods of Delivery
Often, when people think of medical marijuana, they think of stoners lighting up massive joints, but the reality is that MMJ can be delivered in so many different ways. People rely on edible MMJ in the form of cakes, candies or brownies, vape pens, body rubs, oils, tinctures and joints. These are just some of the ways that MMJ can be administered, but the sky is the limit.
Again, doing research online for some fun DIY projects or speaking to your dispenser about the wide range of treatments available are the best ways to go. There are treatments that you may not even consider, for example, women often use MMJ medicated body rubs to treat extreme pain associated with endometriosis or period pain, often reporting excellent results.
Enjoy Your Treatment!
Amongst all the paperwork, travel and research associated with medical marijuana, people can often forget the most important part of the journey: enjoy yourself! MMJ is truly a miracle drug that also offers some fun side-effects, aside from the soothing treatments associated with its medical administration. Don’t feel the need to be boxed in to any one form of treatment. Be flexible and play around with different things until you find the options that work best for you.
Make it fun and a treat that becomes the highlight of your day. It’s not like the mundane routine of popping a pill daily. You will be able to live your life better, stronger and unfettered by your condition, so make sure you celebrate that!