For someone who has a newly minted medical marijuana card, going to the local dispensary can feel like the only logical option to obtaining their medication. They tend to have a wide variety of MMJ and are staffed by people who can advise you. However, as medical marijuana laws in California also allow people to grow their own at home, many people ask themselves if growing their own medical marijuana is worth it. Before you decide which is best for you, here are some things to consider.
Do You Have Space?
The first thing you’ll need if you want to commit to growing your own MMJ is space. It might seem obvious, but your home must have the space for your project. If you live in a tiny one-bedroom apartment, it’s probably better to go down to the dispensary. Most people who grow their own have a dedicated room for their plants. This is not like growing a regular plant in a vase. Marijuana needs a lot of care and attention. It may seem slightly daunting, but with the right setup, anyone can grow their own.
Are You Following the Law?
Once you’ve decided on your dedicated space, you need to make sure that it doesn’t contravene the law. Under California medical marijuana laws, those who consume medical marijuana can grow plants in up to 100 square feet. If you’re a carer who is responsible for up to five patients, you can grow plants in up to 500 square feet. It may seem like a lot, but it’s definitely worth measuring and checking just in case so that you’re not accidentally breaking the law.
Do You Have the Right Equipment?

Many supplies you’ll need to grow medical marijuana can be purchased in any gardening supplies store.
The initial equipment is expensive, but you will end up saving money in the long run by growing your own medical marijuana. In addition to the seeds or starter plants, you’re going to need to invest in sturdy pots in which to grow the plants. Depending on your preference, you can grow multiple plants in larger pots or individually plant them. Like any other plants, medical marijuana will require soil (air-permeable soil is best) as well as supplements to help it grow. Liquid or pellet nutrition supplements can be used, and they can be easily purchased in any gardening supplies store.
Lighting is also very important to encourage medical marijuana growth. You will need to purchase growth lamps to ensure that your plants get the best light. Investing in proper LED or fluorescent lights are the best bet for a crop that will meet your medical needs. Timed lights are best, and it’s advised that you have them on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours to ensure the correct balance.
Fans are also an essential purchase if you want to cultivate MMJ at home. Medical marijuana needs to have air circulating near it to ensure that carbon dioxide levels are at an optimum level.
Can Gardening Soothe Your Symptoms?
If your MMJ card has been issued for mental health or anxiety reasons, growing your own medical marijuana may prove to help your symptoms. Gardening has been shown to be a soothing and productive activity that actually can assist those suffering from symptoms of anxiety and depression. So, even when your plants aren’t ready to be consumed, they’ll still be helping you in a small way to alleviate your symptoms.
Do You Have the Right Seeds for Your Symptoms?
When picking your seeds, you need to know what specific symptoms you will be managing with the medical marijuana you’ll be growing. From chronic pain to anxiety to insomnia, it’s important to make sure that you don’t put a lot of hard work in on a crop that may actually work against your symptoms. Do your research carefully before you buy, and make sure you get your seeds from somewhere with a good reputation.
Do You Have a Great Local Dispensary?
Although there are clear bonuses to growing your own medical marijuana, there is also a lot to be said for being a loyal customer of your local dispensary. Dispensaries will have a full range of MMJ, so you’ll be able to try a few strains before you settle on the one that works best for you. The dispensary is also a great place to ask all the questions you might have before you embark on your MMJ journey.
If you’re a newbie to the medical marijuana world, the thought of growing your own might be impossibly intimidating. The professional retail environment of a dispensary can be reassuring as can the opportunity to ensure that you’re purchasing your medicine under the guidance of people who know exactly what they’re talking about.
Whether you’re growing your own or visiting the dispensary, do your research, and make sure that the medical marijuana strain you end up with is the one for you. Knowledge is power, so make sure that whatever avenue you go down, you’re armed and ready to make the best decision for you.