6 Ways To Avoid Laziness and Lack of Productivity When Using MMJ

An unfortunate side effect of some strains of medical marijuana is laziness and a lack of productivity. These effects hit some cannabis card users more than others. While some people swear that they are far more productive whilst under the influence of medical cannabis, for many other people marijuana-induced ‘couch lock’ and inaction can be a real problem.

Most marijuana card users need their medicine regularly (many are daily users) and so in order for them to move forward in their lives and achieve what they want to achieve, it is crucial for them to discover ways to avoid laziness and a lack of productivity. MMJ patients need to be sure they can enjoy the medicinal benefits of medical marijuana while staying on top of their lives and being energetic, vibrant, and self-actualizing.

So with that in mind, here is our list of six ways you can avoid laziness and lack of productivity when using MMJ.

Clarify Your Goals Making clear and compelling goals is a crucial step towards ensuring that you stay productive. Humans need to be inspired to be focused and industrious. If you are not excited about your projects and life direction, it is all too tempting to be slovenly and laze on the couch wasting time. To avoid this, make a list of your goals and ask yourself why you want to achieve them. Make your “why”s compelling and exciting. Get thrilled about what you could achieve if you put your mind to it. Create vivid pictures in your mind of how good it will feel when you achieve your desires and hit your targets. And when you are tempted to stay on the couch and watch “just one more” episode of the Netflix series du jour (even though you have work to do), remind yourself of why you need to work… and inspire yourself to get to it!

Set Yourself Rules It is important to have clear rules about when, what, and how much you smoke. For example, if you are more productive without MMJ in your system (and your medical condition allows you to get away with having weed-free periods), then schedule the bulk of your productive work for before you smoke. Set yourself the rule that you must get all of your work done before, say, 5pm, and that you cannot smoke until 5.01pm. Make rules that work for you and allow you to avoid laziness and stay productive. Stick to them. Hold yourself accountable. Regularly breaking your rules will be stressful and guilt-provoking… And it should be! Discipline equals freedom!

MMJ - getting work done

It’s easy to stay productive while using MMJ if you set yourself a few simple rules.

Make Daily Schedules A great way to make sure that you stay on-track in life and get everything important that you need to do done, is to make intelligent daily schedules. Trying to balance the list of all of your important daily tasks in your memory is stressful. Instead, make a list, stick it to the wall, and then it’s “set and forget”! Having a formalized and clearly visible list of the important daily tasks that make your life better is reassuring and majorly stress-reducing. Ticking tasks off your smart daily schedule once they are done is very satisfying. And the first hit of MMJ after you’ve completed your entire daily schedule is the sweetest hit imaginable!

Choose MMJ Strains That Increase Energy and Motivation A very practical way to avoid laziness and lack of productivity (especially if you need to use MMJ while you work) is to choose strains that energize you. Typically, this will be relatively high-THC and low-CBD strains. A strain such as Lemon Power Haze, which has high THC and very little CBD, will tend to motivate, energize, and provoke high levels of productivity.

Kill Perfectionism A mindset that tends to lead to inactivity and a huge lack of productivity is the dreaded “perfectionist” mindset. Seeing as absolute perfection does not exist in the known universe and is merely a mental abstraction (everything can be improved in some way if you look hard enough!), people who demand perfection of themselves are burdening themselves with a debilitating and discouraging demand that they do the impossible. Instead of being a perfectionist, try to adopt the mindset that “good enough is good enough” and remind yourself again and again (and again if needs be!) that perfectionism is the sworn enemy of productivity, and one of the most lethal dream-killers in the known universe!


MMJ - man working out

Staying fit and healthy goes hand-in-hand with staying active and productive.

Stay Physically Healthy Finally, in order to be productive and energetic, it is crucial to maintain good energy levels and health. Do this by getting regular physical exercise, eating healthy food (even when you have the munchies!), and sleeping well.

Adopting some or all of these strategies should make sure that you avoid laziness and lack of productivity when using MMJ. Now, up and at ’em, you industrious busy bees!