Oklahoma has been a legal medical marijuana state since summer 2018. In the short interval between then and now, the state has become a leading MMJ state. Oklahoma’s MMJ program is the most liberal in the entire nation. The state’s MMJ industry has blossomed and is now an inspiration to the rest of the country.
The medical marijuana program that operates in Oklahoma has fewer restrictions than the programs that exist in other states. The Sooner State has more dispensaries than any other state, as well as more MMJ patients per capita. Oklahoma medical marijuana is big business and it has brought huge economic benefits and massive entrepreneurial opportunities. But can everyone in Oklahoma apply to use medical marijuana? For example, can nurses have a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma? Let’s investigate.

Image by retter_mit_herz on Pixabay: Can nurses apply for MMJ cards in Oklahoma?
Marijuana Use In Safety Sensitive Job Duties In Oklahoma
When OK legalized MMJ in 2018, it began providing licenses to businesses and MMJ cards to patients almost right away. The speed at which the program rolled out meant that certain specific details of the legislation were vague or had not been finalized. A lot was left up to the discretion of the MMJ industry, employers, medical professionals, and patients. This laissez-faire attitude was in keeping with Oklahoma’s traditional small government ethos.
But the plan was always to fine-tune the legislation, and the “Unity Bill” of March 12, 2019, did just that. Among other things, the Unity Bill detailed the rights and responsibilities of employers when it comes to their employees’ MMJ use. Safety Sensitive jobs and work duties were detailed. Employers were given the legal right to take MMJ use into account when their employees would be engaged in Safety Sensitive work.
What Are Safety Sensitive Jobs In Oklahoma MMJ Law?
Safety Sensitive jobs are defined as “tasks or duties the employer reasonably believes could affect the safety and health of the employee … or others.”
Safety Sensitive work includes, but is not limited to:
- Operating a vehicle, heavy machinery, or power tools.
- Work that involves carrying firearms.
- Working with hazardous, volatile, or flammable materials.
- Maintaining, repairing, or operating heavy equipment, or manufacturing processes.
- Dispensing pharmaceuticals.
- Providing direct patient or child care services.
Where Does The Law Stand On Medical Marijuana And Nursing Practice?
Nursing practice often involves dispensing pharmaceuticals and providing direct patient care services. Under the Unity Bill, employers have the right to discipline or fire an employee whose job involves Safety Sensitive work if they are under the influence of MMJ. Employers are also allowed to not hire an applicant for a Safety Sensitive job if the applicant uses medical marijuana.
Are Nurses Allowed To Apply For Medical Marijuana Cards In Oklahoma?
Nurses are allowed to apply for an MMJ card in Oklahoma. A person’s job does not affect whether or not they are entitled to apply for an MMJ card, or whether they are entitled to use medical marijuana to treat a health condition. There is no blanket ban on nurses using MMJ in Oklahoma.

Image by StayRegular on Pixabay: MMJ use is restricted for people in Safety Sensitive jobs.
What Are The Terms Of Use Regarding Nurses And MMJ In Oklahoma?
The Unity Bill empowers employers. Ultimately, it leaves decisions about employees and MMJ usage at the discretion of individual employers. Many employers will allow nurses to use medical marijuana outside of work hours. It is never permitted for a nurse to be under the influence of medical marijuana while they are at work.
Some employers will refuse to hire nurses who will be doing Safety Sensitive work if they are MMJ patients. Employers have different policies when it comes to medical marijuana and nursing practice. The Unity Bill allows different employers to implement the policy they believe works best for their business.
What Medical Conditions Benefit From Medical Marijuana Use In Oklahoma?
Nurses are entitled to use medical marijuana to treat many different types of medical conditions in Oklahoma. The Sooner State allows its doctors to prescribe medical marijuana to treat any medical condition they believe its usage could help.
How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Oklahoma
A nurse in Oklahoma can apply for a medical marijuana card online. The best way to do this is to go to MMJRecs.com. MMJRecs will set up an online consultation between an MMJ card applicant and a local MMJ doctor. Once the consultation is complete, the doctor can fill out an MMJ prescription and the patient can begin treatment straight away. No hassle, no fuss – it’s easy for a nurse to get an MMJ card in Oklahoma.
However, if you are a nurse who wants to use medical marijuana, it’s important to understand that your employers will have their own policy regarding MMJ. It’s always best to speak to your employer and make sure they are OK with you availing of MMJ treatment outside work hours.