There is much uncertainty in the world right now due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. For individuals who use medical marijuana (MMJ) to help ease or alleviate their symptoms, the virus can cause a lot of worry. If you’re wondering, “Can I still get my MMJ from a dispensary because of COV-19?” the answer is probably yes. Here’s some more information you might want to know about how the coronavirus will affect MMJ card holders.
Are dispensaries prioritizing MMJ patients during the pandemic?
One of the main worries MMJ patients are having is whether they will have access to enough product to suit their needs during this pandemic. Going without MMJ doses could result in an increase in symptoms (and an overall negative impact on health and wellbeing). You probably have the question, “Will my local dispensary prioritize me if I am an MMJ cardholder?”. For the most part, the answer is likely yes.
Many dispensaries have announced that they will supply product to MMJ cardholders ahead of recreational users since they have a more serious need for it. This policy could differ from state to state and even from city to city, depending on that area’s regulations regarding medical marijuana usage. In general, you should have reliable access to cannabis products because of your official MMJ card. By showing that card to dispensary employees, you have a much greater chance of getting your order taken care of (versus someone who is purchasing cannabis purely for recreational use).
How should I be buying medical marijuana during COVID-19 crisis?
There are a few steps you can take to buy your MMJ products during this time. First, your best option is to order from a dispensary that offers at-home deliveries. This way, you don’t have to leave your home and risk getting sick. This can also be the most convenient way since many cities have implemented a “shelter in place” restriction, which requires people to only leave their homes when absolutely necessary. In California, for example, cannabis dispensaries have been defined as an essential business, so they are still allowed to stay open when other nonessential businesses are required to close their doors to customers. If your preferred dispensary does not offer a delivery service, they might be providing curbside pick-up so you can collect your order without having to leave your vehicle or be around too many people. This can also be a great option for limiting your contact.

Image by Rose Box on Unsplash: Get your MMJ products through mail delivery or curbside pickup if possible.
Finally, if neither of these options are available, at this time you are permitted to enter a dispensary to purchase your MMJ product. If this is the only way you can get your MMJ, try to remain at least six feet away from any other customers or employees, and perhaps wear gloves or a mask to be on the safe side. When you leave the dispensary, use hand sanitizer or wash your hands immediately.
Will my local dispensary run out of medical marijuana?
Because things are so hectic right now, many people worry that their dispensary will run out of the MMJ products they depend on. If you’re concerned that you might not be able to get the cannabis products you need, it might be a good idea to purchase a little more than you normally do. Some local governments (such as Boston, Massachusetts) are implementing regulations that would allow MMJ users to purchase at least 60 days’ worth of product in case they’re quarantined or unable to purchase more frequently for some reason.
You might want to check in with your local government to find out what kinds of restrictions are currently in place for how much cannabis you can have at one time. You’ll want to make sure you have a supply that can support whatever ailments you’re currently experiencing. On the same note, if dispensaries are reclassified as nonessential businesses in future, it might be more difficult for you to get access to products. So, buying a little more could be a safer option.
However, it’s absolutely essential that you don’t overbuy or hoard MMJ products. As we’ve seen with toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, etc., people can start to panic and buy insanely large quantities of products they’re worried they’ll run out of. We don’t want this to happen with the supply of marijuana. It’s critical that MMJ patients are still able to get access to the products they need to help with their (sometimes severe and debilitating) symptoms. Don’t be afraid to buy the products you need, but think of others and only purchase a reasonable amount at any one time.

Image by noexcusesradio on Pixabay: Don’t overbuy MMJ products – most dispensaries are coping with the higher demand.
Your usage of MMJ products could change a little during this crazy time. For example, it’s potentially not a good idea for people to be smoking MMJ right now, because this could lead to damage to the lungs (which could make them more susceptible to catching COVID-19 or experiencing more severe symptoms). You might want to try other dosing alternatives, such as edibles, tinctures, or digestive oils instead.
If you use MMJ products to help with a mental health condition such as anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder, you may notice that your symptoms have increased because of the stressful nature of the world right now. If you’re going to be increasing your usage of MMJ products, trying stronger doses, or testing out alternative dosing methods, make sure to consult with your doctor first.
Although we’re living in an uncertain time, dispensaries will hopefully still be able to keep up with the increased demand for MMJ products. Stay in contact with your local dispensary by phone, through their website, or by email so you can have advance knowledge if they’re experiencing any supply issues. Stay up to date and be cautious about ordering your product so that your MMJ needs can still be covered while the coronavirus pandemic continues.