Juicing medicinal marijuana can be much more pleasant than smoking MMJ.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you’ll know that juicing has become ubiquitous with the health movement that’s been sweeping California. Beets, carrots, spinach and kale are among the range of vegetables that are being thrown into cold-press juicers so that we can benefit from their range of nutrients without removing any of the goodness through cooking. Although California medical marijuana card holders are well used to being innovative when it comes to consuming, very few are aware that juicing medical marijuana can be one of the best, if not the best, way to enjoy its benefits.
Unlike using edibles or smoking, juicing medical marijuana will not expose you to the psychoactive side effects that are caused when MMJ is heated. When you heat medical marijuana you’re converting tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) in raw MMJ into tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is its psychoactive form, causing a high. Although some people do enjoy this high, others would much rather just experience the medical benefits of medical cannabis without the dazed side-effect. When you don’t achieve this high there is nothing to obstruct MMJ card holders from ingesting as much of the drug as they need to alleviate their ailments. Dr William Courtney, founder of the Cannabis International Foundation (CIF), noted that when heated, the tolerable dose of cannabis is about 10mg/day. However, when you remove heat from the equation, he states that upwards of hundreds of milligrams can be consumed per day without harm therefore juicing will allow you to consume MMJ in as large a dosage as you require.
Like any other vegetable, cannabis is loaded with nutrients such as iron, calcium and fibre, as well as cannabinoids that are unique to the plant. One cannabinoid, cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), is particularly central to the medicinal power of the marijuana plant. Cooking or heating any plant will vanquish nearly all present nutrients within it. It’s estimated that you’re cooking around 90 per cent of the good stuff, including the all-important CBDA, when you heat cannabis, which feels like a massive waste. Left cold, those wonderful little cannabinoids have free rein to work their magic to their best ability and you’ll really notice the difference.

The trend of juicing medicinal marijuana is sweeping California.
Juicing medical marijuana is definitely the most convenient way to consume it without heat. As cannabis juice on its own is quite acidic, it’s recommended that you combine it with other juices to make it easier on your stomach. Not only can you add it to your usual morning drink, but you can also create a cannabis centered juice if you fancy something different. How about some kale, grapes, cucumber, apple and MMJ to pump up your iron levels? Or some ginger, beets, carrots, apples and MMJ for a rejuvenating detox? You can add cannabis to any delicious recipe that you can think of, so be as adventurous as you like. Although edibles present you with the opportunity to create other tasty treats, typically these also involve the use of high levels of sugar or fats which is counterproductive to creating a healthier you. If you feel that sweet tooth kicking in, opt for a cannabis, sweet potato and pear smoothie instead of a brownie and your waistline, as well as your heart, will thank you. For the best results Dr. Courtney recommends splitting your cannabis juice into smaller portions that can be consumed throughout the day. As drinking juice is more discreet than vaping or smoking, it’s much more practical to consume at work, on the go, at lunch or anywhere else need it. Similarly, if you’re stopped by the cops and they see a bottle of juice in your car, you’re not going to get in any trouble, especially if you have your online medical marijuana card with you.

The health benefits of juicing medicinal marijuana are plentiful.
Although MMJ is typically used by 420 card holders for treatment of chronic disease or pain, it also works to prevent future disease and maintain current health when juiced. The cannabinoids in raw marijuana possess antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that have been proven to be of benefit to the human body when ingested as a health supplement. Dr Courtney’s research has found that ingesting MMJ in juice can help prevent or diminish a whole range of ailments such as lupus, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, hypothyroidism, autoimmune disorders and cellular dysfunction. If you’re suffering from any of these conditions, it’s highly recommended that you obtain an MMJ card online to reap the benefits. Juiced cannabis has also been found to slow, stop or even reverse the growth of cancer cells in some patients – talk about a superfood! Although juicing medical marijuana does have these miracle effects, oftentimes it can take days, or even weeks to notice them. So if you’re becoming impatient while waiting for some of that famous MMJ juice goodness, don’t give up. You know what they say, anything worth getting is definitely worth waiting for.
It is worth noting that, as with any plant, cannabis loses more and more of its nutrients the longer you leave it after it’s been harvested. For this reason you can’t just use any old MMJ for juicing. Make sure that you obtain raw, fresh and pesticide-free cannabis for your juices and if you’re keeping it at home, make sure it’s left in protective bags in the refrigerator. If you’re unsure of what exactly you need to do to begin juicing medical marijuana, take a quick look at our handy guide here. All you need is your juicer, some fresh MMJ and your online medical marijuana card, so get juicing!