What are the costs involved in renewing a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma? How does the process of renewing an OK MMJ card work? Can an Oklahoma MMJ card be renewed online? These are questions we get asked more and more as the Sooner State’s liberal, patient-friendly, trailblazing MMJ program expands and goes from strength to strength.
Oklahoma legalized medical marijuana in the summer of 2018, and already OK’s fledgling MMJ program has become a leader in terms of patient accessibility. OK dispensaries stock a wide selection of high-quality MMJ products. The state’s medical marijuana program is accessible online, and out-of-state patients can avail themselves of the program with relative ease.
Owning an Oklahoma medical marijuana card is a great privilege that enables you to access one of the world’s most exciting MMJ programs. It is important to understand and follow the program’s rules so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of OK MMJ. Oklahoma MMJ cards have an expiry date, so it is crucial to understand the process and costs involved in renewing your card, and to make sure you do it at the correct time.
Who Runs The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Program?
The Oklahoma medical marijuana program is run by the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA). The OMMA handles medical marijuana card applications by Oklahoma residents and by MMJ patients who are visiting from other states.
When Do I Need To Renew My Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card?
Oklahoma medical marijuana cards are valid for two years. Once your OK MMJ card expires, it is no longer usable. The earliest you can apply to renew your medical card in Oklahoma is 30 days before its expiry date.
How Much Does It Cost To Renew Your Medical Card In Oklahoma?
Replacing a damaged or lost OMMA card is free, but how much does it cost to renew an expired OMMA card? The full fee to renew your Oklahoma MMJ card is $100. But if you show proof of Medicaid, Medicare, or 100% Disabled Veteran Status, it will only cost you $20.
Can I Renew My Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card Online?
The entire process of renewing your Oklahoma medical marijuana card can be done online. The necessary medical consultation can be done using a telemedicine clinic, such as the MMJRecs online clinic, and the application to OMMA can be submitted through their website.
How Do I Renew My Medical Card Online In Oklahoma?
How do I renew my medical card in Oklahoma using the OMMA website? It’s easy. You simply log in to your OMMA account using your personal login, and on your dashboard, click the Action tab and choose the renewal section. Complete the renewal application form and upload a form of ID.
How Long Does It Take To Get A Replacement Oklahoma MMJ Card?
Applications to renew an Oklahoma MMJ card are processed by OMMA within 14 business days. Add five working days for the mail process and your renewed OK MMJ card will arrive at your address within about three weeks.
What Happens If My OMMA Card Expires?
If your OMMA card expires, you can no longer use it to purchase MMJ products in Oklahoma dispensaries.
Can I Buy Medical Marijuana In Oklahoma Without An MMJ Card?
It is not possible to purchase medical marijuana in Oklahoma dispensaries without showing a valid Oklahoma patient card.
Can I Visit An Oklahoma MMJ Dispensary Without An MMJ Card?
You can visit Oklahoma dispensaries without a card if you are over the age of 21, but you cannot purchase MMJ products without an in-date OK MMJ card.

How Can Visitors To Oklahoma Buy MMJ In OK Dispensaries?
Visitors to Oklahoma from other legal MMJ states can apply for an Oklahoma Temporary Patient License. These are valid for 30 days and can be renewed. A new license will be available soon that allows patients from any other US state to purchase MMJ in Oklahoma dispensaries.
What Are The Qualifying Conditions For An Oklahoma Temporary Patient Card?
Applicants for an Oklahoma Temporary Patient License must show their MMJ card from their home state. Applicants for the new license that will be available to people from all other US states will need to have a consultation with an Oklahoma MMJ doctor in order to qualify.
There is no official list of MMJ qualifying conditions in Oklahoma. A person will qualify for MMJ treatment if they have any medical condition that the examining doctor thinks will benefit from MMJ treatment.
Featured image by Justin Prine on Unsplash