In June 2018, Oklahoma became the 30th state to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. Licensing began later that year in August, allowing citizens to apply for an Oklahoma MMJ card, and to date more than 151,000 people have done just that. This means that the state of Oklahoma has more MMJ card holders per capita than any other U.S. state. It is not, however, one of the 11 states to legalize marijuana for recreational use, so it’s important to understand the rules and regulations around applying for and using your Oklahoma medical marijuana card. We’ll first take a look at some qualifying conditions and then go on to explore how to get an MMJ card in Oklahoma.
There are more and more conditions that can be helped by medical marijuana and that would qualify you for an MMJ card in Oklahoma. These include but are not limited to AIDS, cancer, Crohn’s disease, hepatitis C, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and spinal cord injury. Common symptoms of these and other conditions that can be relieved by MMJ use are cramps, tiredness, nausea, inflammation, headaches, and seizures. When you become aware of the large number of symptoms and ailments that have shown to be helped by the use of MMJ, it’s no wonder such a high percentage of citizens have applied for and received an Oklahoma medical marijuana card.

If you think you might qualify, the best way to get an MMJ card in Oklahoma is to apply online via MMJ Recs. This is a great option if you don’t want to go through your own physician, or if you simply can’t travel to see your doctor. With MMJ Recs, the process is easy and straightforward. You simply fill out a standard medical form online and include any relevant medical notes or documents. An in-house medical expert will then carry out an evaluation with you via the wonders of telemedicine – in other words, over the phone or through Skype. You don’t have to travel or have a face-to-face meeting. You can ask the expert anything you like about the process or about any concerns you may have. They will enquire about your qualifying condition and why you believe taking MMJ may help. Moreover, our expert will be able to advise you on the best medical marijuana strain to use and the optimum amount for your particular ailment. Rest assured that your application and consultation will be treated with absolute respect and privacy. You will also need some kind of proof of residency in Oklahoma; your driver’s license or ID card, for example, or even just a current utility bill. Once approved, your Oklahoma medical marijuana card will be sent to you in the post and you can put it to immediate use.
There is, of course, a minimal charge for owning an Oklahoma MMJ card, and it needs to be renewed annually. Once you own a card, though, the renewal cost each year is considerably less than the initial output. It’s important to remember to renew your card annually, as failure to do so could result in a fine – not to mention the fact that you may not be able to purchase or use the medical marijuana that you might have come to rely on. MMJ Recs can also help with renewing an existing Oklahoma MMJ card.
There are a few rules surrounding ownership of an Oklahoma medical marijuana card. A card allows you to legally possess up to 3 ounces of marijuana; 6 mature and 6 seedling marijuana plants; an ounce of concentrated marijuana; and 72 ounces of edible marijuana. If you’re smoking your medical marijuana, then you can do so in any place that normally allows regular tobacco smoking. There are no restrictions on where you can consume edible marijuana. It’s important to remember that even in states where medical marijuana has been deemed legal, ALL forms of it are still illegal under our federal law. This means that you cannot have or consume marijuana – medical or otherwise – on any federal lands in Oklahoma. If you have any questions or concerns around the rules governing ownership of an Oklahoma MMJ card, then check out the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority, which is the state regulator.

Currently, Oklahoma is not one of the 11 states that have legalized marijuana for recreational use. But that could change tomorrow! Or in the near future, in any case. If it were to change, your Oklahoma MMJ card would still be very much worth hanging on to and renewing when required. It will ensure continuity in obtaining the best MMJ strain for you, from a reputable dispensary as opposed to a possible unknown, online seller. If you are under 21, you won’t be allowed to use marijuana for recreational purposes, whereas you can qualify for an Oklahoma medical marijuana card from the age of 18. With your Oklahoma MMJ card, you will never have to pay tax on medical marijuana products.
Hopefully, this has helped enlighten you on the process of how to get an MMJ card in Oklahoma. If you are suffering from a debilitating condition that has seen little relief from conventional medicine or methods, then why not apply online now and talk with one of our understanding experts to see if you might qualify for an MMJ card? The process is simple, and we will guide you every step of the way.