Are you considering getting your medical cannabis card online to relieve your painful symptoms? You’re not alone. As the use of medical marijuana increases and become legal, more and more people are discovering it as an effective form of pain relief.
Unfortunately, as many patients know, there are some painful conditions that do not respond to traditional medicine, or the prescribed painkiller has unbearable side effects. Now in the search for effective and improved pain relief, many researchers have turned to medicinal marijuana as an alternative means of managing chronic pain.
The History of Medical Marijuana
Marijuana has been used for centuries as an effective form of pain relief from everything from childbirth to arthritis and joint paint. In fact, the healing properties of cannabis were first believed to be discovered as far back as 2700 BC by the Chinese emperor Shennong. Cannabis is recorded as being used in India as an anaesthetic as early as 600 BC. It was even used as a form of pain relief in the United States before the rise of aspirin and other drugs and, of course, the criminalization which followed afterwards. But before you apply for your cannabis card online, how does this ancient pain relief compare to our more modern treatments?

Medical marijuana dispensaries provide patients with MMJ.
Medical Marijuana: Scientific Trials
Marijuana is now legal for doctors to prescribe to treat a range of conditions, including anxiety and nausea, once you get your California cannabis card. However, research seems to indicate that one of the most profound changes for patients is often a reduction in their painful symptoms. There have been many high-profile cases of patients going public with their story about how medicinal cannabis use helped alleviate their pain from such diverse conditions as migraines to muscle spasms in quadriplegics.
There have been at least 80 randomized trials studying nearly 6,500 people and when researchers examined all of the results, they concluded there was at the very least moderate support to support the claim that medical marijuana was effective in treating not only chronic pain but also muscle spasms and involuntary movements.
In 2015, the first and largest trial to examine the impact of medical marijuana on chronic pain took place. In one group, 215 patients who suffered from chronic pain smoked medical marijuana for one year and their results were compared to a control group of 216 patients with similar symptoms who did not use medical marijuana during that time.
The Results
The results were conclusively positive. As well as reporting improvement in their painful symptoms, the group using medical marijuana also reported an improvement in mood and in their overall quality of life. Best of all, the study examined whether medical marijuana was safe and confirmed there was no difference in serious side effects between the group who used medicinal cannabis and those who did not. The pain-relieving effects of medical marijuana appear to be particularly effective for chronic neuropathic pain when used in combination with other medications, something to consider if you’re thinking about getting your 420 card.
In another interesting recent development, a smaller study also suggested that medical marijuana works as a pain distractor, instead of a pain killer. The study was considered too small to be taken as hard facts just yet but if true, the results would ultimately be the same; your painful symptoms will bother you less when using medicinal marijuana.

Medical marijuana can help relieve pain.
Medical Marijuana: How It Can Help You
We know from these studies that marijuana can be an effective form of pain relief. But how does it work? The main effects of cannabis come from THC, one of the cannabinoids contained in the herb. THC is similar to another chemical that we produce naturally in our bodies. When we smoke cannabis, the THC works with our bodies to effectively change the way our nervous system functions, relieving symptoms of pain and anxiety, while also producing the pleasant symptoms of feeling high.
Pain is something can be very complicated to treat and some trial and error may be needed to find the best relief for you. Ultimately, your decision to use medical marijuana to alleviate your pain should be something for you and your doctor to discuss and they will ensure you meet the conditions for medical cannabis card in California.
Now that science is beginning to fund comprehensive studies into the benefits of medical marijuana, the public are becoming increasingly aware of the potential benefits. A recent study found 86% of Americans are in favor of allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana for medicinal purposes. Thankfully, the rest of the country is quickly catching up with the California medical marijuana requirements and laws. In addition to the other 11 states where some form of medical marijuana is legal, another 12 states have authorized medical marijuana research. The reasoning is clear; it’s an effective form of pain relief for patients who are in need.