Experimenting with medical marijuana can be very intimidating for a lot of people. The sad thing is that there are many types of people who could benefit from MMJ who are being put off by the hype, stigma and lies surrounding its use. Luckily, we’re here to bust some of the most common myths surrounding medical marijuana so that you can get back to consuming your medication without worrying about myths over truths.
Myth: MMJ Is Only for Stoners

The primary reason for using MMJ is not getting high. It is the legitimate treatment of debilitating conditions.
This is probably one of the most pervasive arguments that people use when showing their disdain for MMJ. Medical marijuana is not the same as street-level weed used for recreational purposes. People with MMJ cards are patients who have seen medical professionals who deem them worthy of treatment with medical marijuana. The process is legal, safe and not about getting high. Most users of medical marijuana view getting high as a side effect of their medication as opposed to the main reason for consuming it in the first place. Now, we’re not saying that you can’t enjoy the high! Of course, it can be a fun side effect, but the primary reason for using MMJ is not getting high. It is the legitimate treatment of debilitating conditions.
Myth: Medical Professionals Don’t Approve of Medical Marijuana
In California, there is a legal process for obtaining MMJ cards. Firstly, you must attend a consultation, either in person or online, with a fully qualified doctor. The doctor must conclude that you need a medical marijuana card. They must then write a letter, outlining your condition and why you require MMJ to treat yourself. This can then be used to obtain MMJ from a dispensary. There are countless doctors in California who approve of the use of medical marijuana for a variety conditions, and some even work solely on writing letters of recommendation for medical marijuana to those who need it. Do not be self-conscious about seeking help for your condition via medical marijuana. If you are in California, it is very easy to find medical professionals who are passionate about this form of treatment and who want to help patients access it as easily and quickly as possible in a perfectly legal manner.
Myth: MMJ Leads to the Abuse of Hard Drugs

Although there have been some links shown between the use of cannabis and harder drugs such as meth, cocaine and heroin, it is clear those who use marijuana medicinally do not have this issue.
There is a big difference between using a drug recreationally and using it to treat the symptoms of an illness. Although there have been some links shown between the use of cannabis and harder drugs such as meth, cocaine and heroin, it is clear those who use marijuana medicinally do not have this issue. By treating MMJ as a medication instead of an illicit drug, the stigma of its use for this reason can be broken. By continuing to associate medical marijuana with drug abuse, the false links among addiction, criminal activity and the use of medical cannabis will continue to be spread. This is incredibly negative for the many patients who use MMJ daily to manage their conditions and who may be easily put off by what they perceive to be the danger of opening a gate to hard drugs via the legitimate use of medical marijuana as an alleviative treatment for chronic conditions.
Myth: Medical Marijuana Doesn’t Have Proven Benefits
The benefits of MMJ are obvious to anyone who has ever used it to treat an ongoing or chronic condition. MMJ, depending on the strain, can alleviate symptoms associated with numerous illnesses and conditions, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder and multiple sclerosis. Cancer sufferers have also reported that MMJ can ease the side effects of chemotherapy, which can often be incredibly grueling. If patient testimony is anything to go by, medical marijuana has a variety of benefits and allows patients suffering from a wide range of illnesses to go out and live their best lives while unwell.
Myth: MMJ Is a Cure-all for Illnesses and Diseases
Although MMJ is an amazing medicine that can help alleviate many conditions, it has not been shown to cure any major condition. Medical marijuana serves its purpose as an alleviative drug. It treats symptoms as opposed to the root causes of illnesses, which is why it is so helpful in assisting patients who suffer from long-term and chronic conditions. Although this may be disappointing for those looking for a quick fix, it shows that MMJ can be incredibly helpful for people who have been put on a variety of pharmaceutical solutions to treat different symptoms of chronic conditions. It’s just about treating your conditions with the best medication available, one of which can be medical marijuana.