As marijuana moves from dealers and back alleys and towards the forefront of society and trendy medical weed dispensaries, the herb’s health and social benefits are becoming more and more apparent. The popularity of medical marijuana has a lot to do with the benefits it offers compared with the relatively finite drawbacks. One of the most common and popular reasons why people get a medical marijuana card in California is due to MMJ’s relaxing effect. We all know that weed is capable of relaxing us and offering a euphoric sense of calm, but you might be wondering exactly how this is possible. Well if you’re curious about the science behind medical marijuana, we’re here to help; take a long drag and read on.
There are numerous benefits that can be found from consuming medical weed, ranging from weight and metabolism control to pain relief and improved cognitive functionality. However, according to a global poll, the most popular reason that people choose to ingest marijuana is down to its ability to alleviate the stress and anxiety of everyday life.

Learn a little about the science behind why medical marijuana relaxes you.
Relax for a second: it’s about to get a little scientific
The fact that marijuana is so effective in battling stress comes down to the fact that it contains Tetrahydrocannabinol, or, for pronunciation’s sake, THC. This is the psychoactive constituent found within marijuana, and in layman’s terms, it’s what makes you feel good. The reason it makes you feel good is down to the fact that your body is full of Endocannabinoids (or ECBs), and an endocannabinoid system, which is believed to regulate your body’s anxiety and stress levels. Have we lost you? Take a breath…
OK, real quick, before this gets too confusing, the release of ECBs is generally a good thing as it reduces anxiety and stress. Make sense? Unfortunately, some people have an imbalance in their ECB levels, which leads to a wide variety of stress and anxiety based issues. This is where marijuana and the wonderful TCB comes in. It’s TCB’s job to replicate the job that ECB is supposed to do on its own. This basically means that marijuana helps to replicate a chemical in your body that is proven to help reduce stress and anxiety. Thereby giving you that therapeutic feeling of calm and peace that you get when taking medical marijuana.
Now that the messy science bit’s done, what kind of people can benefit from a medical marijuana card and the drug’s proven stress-reducing capabilities?
It has been scientifically proven in literally hundreds of studies that medical marijuana helps to reduce stress and anxiety, but you might be wondering about a particular issue you may have personally and how it can help you.
Well the truth is, stress and anxiety show their ugly roots in various ways. The main culprits in regards to these feelings are depression, insomnia, hostility, severe anxiety, insomnia and a lack of relaxation. Medical marijuana can get to the root of all of these issues and offer a legal and healthy alternative treatment that has been proven to work for millions of people for hundreds of years!
Need to relax? Medical marijuana can help with that.
Whatever your reason for needing to relax is, medical marijuana can help you. From the most severe examples, such as the death of a loved one or war veterans returning with PTSD to just having a terrible person in your life or having to make a potentially life-changing decision, MMJ is designed to help you relax. A lot of people use alcohol to cope with stress; this is far less healthy, less effective and more dangerous than marijuana. Medical weed has been scientifically proven to help you cope with serious stressful incidents in your life, and to allow you the peace of mind to relax.
Can’t sleep, suffering from insomnia? Medical marijuana could be your cure for that
Chronic insomnia is a serious and debilitating sleep disorder. Sufferers feel stuck in a constant cycle of exhaustion and stress that deeply affects every aspect of their lives. Weed is a great aid for dealing with insomnia. It promotes a natural feeling of drowsiness, helps to ease the feeling that insomniacs get when their brains are stuck in overdrive and allows their mind and body to relax. Medical marijuana not only helps ease the mind, but it eases the body too, and because of this it is one of the most effective ways of treating insomnia.
Medical cannabis can help treat depression
While long-term studies haven’t covered the full scope of how weed can help you cope with severe depression, its ability to at least quell and contain it (within reason) temporarily is indisputable. Marijuana enables your brain with the ability to release dopamine (the happiness chemical/stuff that actually makes you feel good); this in turn produces a relaxing and coping effect. While medical marijuana alone should never be used to treat severe depression, it is scientifically proven to help abate severe feelings of depression and improve a user’s overall mood. Of course, it’s important to note that MMJ can’t act as a crutch on its own and that those suffering with severe issues should also seek psychiatric help.

Medical marijuana can help treat people with anger issues.
Really angry? Medical marijuana can help treat feelings of hostility
Since most of us consider weed to be a happy-go-lucky, relaxing herb, it’s surprising how few people recognize its effectiveness in treating severe anger and hostility issues. This is because anger is typically a direct result of stress, or a chemical imbalance within your system. Medical marijuana helps to improve your mood and relaxes you both mentally and physically, therefore giving you the ability to help combat anger and hostility issues.
If you recognize any of the symptoms above as something you might be suffering from, you might want to consider getting a medical marijuana card online and learning more about what kinds of weed can most effectively treat what ails you.