The accessibility of medical marijuana is an important issue for MMJ patients all over the country. In Oklahoma, accessibility has never been a problem since MMJ became legal in 2018. The Sooner State has more dispensaries per capita than any other state in the country. And due to the fierce competition between dispensaries, the service you can expect in an Oklahoma dispensary is amongst the best in the country.
But since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, getting Oklahoma MMJ has become a slightly trickier process for patients and their caregivers. With travel restrictions in place and many businesses closed, getting medical marijuana is now a more involved and time-consuming undertaking. This is especially true for people with mobility issues or underlying health conditions that make them vulnerable to COVID-19.
Oklahoma’s Medical Marijuana Industry Is Growing Rapidly
Since medical marijuana was legalized in Oklahoma in summer 2018, the OK MMJ industry has gone from strength to strength. The state has one of the most liberal, open, and well-functioning MMJ programs in the country.
Medical marijuana is now used by 5% of Oklahomans to treat a medical condition. The Sooner State has the highest number of MMJ patients as a percentage of the population in the whole country.
The Oklahoma MMJ industry has less stifling regulations and red tape than any other state. Lots of innovative new MMJ businesses have set up in OK and are setting new high standards for the MMJ industry nation-wide.
Due to the massive number of MMJ dispensaries operating in Oklahoma, the competition for business is intense. This is great for the consumer, because it means that the quality of the MMJ products for sale is second to none. Oklahoma MMJ patients enjoy some of the highest-quality products and best customer service that you’ll find anywhere in the country.

Image by pixundfertig on Pixabay: How do patients get access to OK MMJ while on lockdown?
Oklahoma Ban MMJ Delivery
In one unfortunate way, Oklahoma’s trend of taking a hands-off approach and letting the free market work its magic has recently been bucked. State Governor Kevin Stitt recently vetoed a proposed bill that would have allowed OK MMJ dispensaries to deliver medical cannabis products to their patients’ homes. The bill also proposed legalizing the sale of MMJ pre-rolls.
Who Can Purchase Medical Marijuana In Oklahoma?
This ban on MMJ home delivery in Oklahoma is a big setback. It is disappointing news for MMJ patients, their caregivers, and dispensaries, because the only people who can purchase MMJ in Oklahoma are the cardholder or their caregiver. This means that home delivery, especially during coronavirus, would have been a huge help to vulnerable patients.
How Do Patients Get Access To MMJ While On Lockdown?
Medical marijuana dispensaries are considered to be an essential service, similar to drugstores and grocery stores. All legal MMJ states recognize dispensaries as an essential service because they sell a treatment that patients rely on to reduce symptoms and improve their quality of life. Several states have allowed home delivery of MMJ for the duration of the coronavirus lockdown, but unfortunately, OK isn’t one of them.
The only way Oklahoma MMJ patients can get medical marijuana is by visiting their dispensary in person, or arranging for their caregiver to do so. Getting a friend or family member who is not a recognized caregiver to pick up your OK MMJ is not permitted.
How Far Can You Drive To Get To An MMJ Dispensary In Oklahoma?
OK has more dispensaries than any other MMJ state. This means that you’re likely never too far from an MMJ dispensary, unless you live in the wilderness! There is no limit to how far you can drive to visit an MMJ dispensary in OK, provided you have your own valid OK MMJ card.
MMJ Home Cultivation Is Allowed In Oklahoma
Home cultivation is legal in Oklahoma. For people who do not want to leave their homes during the pandemic to visit MMJ dispensaries in Oklahoma, home cultivation is an option. The most MMJ you can legally grow at home is six mature plants and six seedlings.
Having An MMJ Card Help Will Help You Get MMJ
In Oklahoma, recreational marijuana use is still illegal, so the only way to purchase MMJ in the state is by getting an MMJ card.
What Are The Qualifying Medical Conditions For An MMJ Card In Oklahoma?
Oklahoma is unique amongst legal MMJ states in that it has no official list of qualifying medical conditions. Oklahoman licensed physicians are able to prescribe medical marijuana for any medical condition they believe would benefit from treatment with MMJ.
How To Apply For An MMJ Card In Oklahoma
The easiest way to apply for an MMJ card in Oklahoma is to arrange an online consultation with a licensed physician through MMJRecs. This will enable you to obtain your MMJ card from the comfort and safety of your own home, which is especially helpful during the pandemic.
Featured image by jesse ramirez on Unsplash