Pennsylvania voted to legalize medical marijuana in 2016, and Pennsylvania dispensaries opened for business at the beginning of 2018. There are now 198 MMJ dispensaries open for business in the state.
PA MMJ dispensaries sell a wide range of medical marijuana products that treat the symptoms of a long list of qualifying medical conditions. Recently, patient drives in Pennsylvania have made MMJ cards accessible to a lot of PA residents.
Patient Drives In Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania patient drives have helped thousands of people to avail of MMJ treatment in PA. But what are Pennsylvania patient drives? Why are Pennsylvania patient drive events great for patients and dispensaries? And where and how do you get involved with an MMJ patient drive in PA?
What Are Pennsylvania Patient Drives?
So, what is a PA patient drive? A PA patient drive is an event held in Pennsylvania at which people who sign up to take part can have a short consultation with a licensed MMJ doctor. This consultation is specifically focused on the person becoming a PA MMJ patient.
Why Are Pennsylvania Patient Drive Events Great For Patients And Dispensaries?
Pennsylvania patient drive events are great for patients because:
- Not all Pennsylvania physicians can prescribe medical marijuana. Patient drives guarantee access to MMJ doctors for patients who are specifically interested in MMJ treatment
- Consultations at MMJ patient drives in PA tend to be quicker than consultations at a doctor’s surgery
- Not all patients have access to internet to have an online consultation
- Some patients live in remote areas, far from their nearest doctor’s surgery
- Patient drives educate and enlighten potential MMJ patients about MMJ treatment
Pennsylvania patient drive events are great for dispensaries because:
- They create new medical marijuana patients
- They give dispensaries an opportunity to promote to prospective customers
Where And How Do You Get Involved With An MMJ Patient Drive In PA?
You can get involved in an MMJ patient drive in Pennsylvania by signing up to take part in the event, either online or by phone. You can find out where and when a patient drive is taking place by searching online and/or contacting your local MMJ dispensary.
Who Can Prescribe Medical Marijuana in Pennsylvania?
Only physicians who are licensed to prescribe medical marijuana in Pennsylvania can do so. Not all PA physicians are licensed to perform this service.
How Do You Apply For A Medical Marijuana Card In Pennsylvania Online?
You can get a Pennsylvania medical marijuana card online by having a telemedicine consultation with a PA MMJ physician through the MMJRecs online clinic. This consultation takes place remotely via video call.
Once the MMJ physician verifies your medical condition and suitability for medical marijuana treatment, they will generate a unique medical marijuana recommendation that you can access at the Pennsylvania State Patient Portal.
Alternatively, you can head to the next MMJ patient drive in PA to make your application!
What Are The Qualifying Conditions For A Pennsylvania MMJ Card?
You may want to attend a Pennsylvania patient drive if you have a medical condition that qualifies you for a PA MMJ card. You will qualify for a Pennsylvania medical marijuana card if you have one or more of the following medical conditions:
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Anxiety disorders
- Autism
- Cancer
- Crohn’s disease
- Damage to the nervous tissue of the central nervous system
- Dyskinetic and spastic movement disorders
- Epilepsy
- Glaucoma
- Huntington’s disease
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Intractable seizures
- Multiple sclerosis
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Neuropathies
- Opioid use disorder
- Parkinson’s disease
- Severe chronic or intractable pain
- Sickle cell anemia
- Terminal illness
- Tourette syndrome
How Much Does A Pennsylvania MMJ Card Cost?
Pennsylvania MMJ cards cost $50. You may qualify for a discounted medical card if you participate in Medicaid.

Can Out-Of-State Cardholders Buy MMJ In PA?
No, Pennsylvania does not practice medical marijuana card reciprocity. This means that out-of-state cardholders cannot purchase medical marijuana products in Pennsylvania dispensaries.
Do Pennsylvania Dispensaries Accept Credit Cards?
Pennsylvania dispensaries do not accept credit cards directly. They are technically cash only. However, most dispensaries in PA either have registers that function as mini ATMs, or they have an ATM on-site.
What Products Do PA MMJ Dispensaries Sell?
Once you get your medical card after a telemedicine consultation or attending an MMJ patient drive in PA, you can purchase any of the following products from Pennsylvania dispensaries:
- Marijuana flower
- Pre-rolls
- Tinctures and liquids
- Oils
- Topicals
- Pills and capsules
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