Oklahoma has one of the most efficient, well-run, and patient-friendly medical marijuana programs in the US. The Sooner State only legalized medical marijuana in the summer of 2018, but since then the OK MMJ industry has gone from strength to strength. As well as helping Oklahomans who suffer from a wide range of chronic health conditions to live comfortably and enjoy an improved level of wellbeing, OK MMJ is big business and has brought a lot of economic benefit to the state.
Getting an Oklahoma MMJ card is a straightforward process. And once you have an OK medical card, you can avail of some of the best MMJ dispensaries in the country. But what happens when you need to get a replacement OK MMJ card? Below, we’ll discuss Oklahoma medical marijuana card replacement.

Why Would You Need To Renew Your Oklahoma MMJ Card?
You would need to get a replacement Oklahoma medical marijuana card if:
- Your original card has expired (this happens every two years)
- Your OK MMJ card is lost, stolen, or damaged
How Do I Get A Replacement Medical Card In Oklahoma?
Patients or caregivers who need a replacement OK MMJ card can apply for one through the application portal at the OMMA (Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority) website.
To request a replacement Oklahoma medical card:
- Log in to your account
- Select “Create New Application”
- Select “Patient Card Replacement” or “Caregiver Card Replacement”
Renewing an expired OK MMJ card is a similar process to applying for your first card. You need to submit a full renewal application through the OMMA website. Your renewal application should include a new physician’s signature, which you can get through a telemedicine clinic such as MMJRecs.
How Long Does It Take To Get A Replacement Medical Marijuana Card In Oklahoma?
Requests for a replacement Oklahoma MMJ card are processed by OMMA within 14 business days. This means a replacement card will be mailed within 14 business days. Once the replacement OK MMJ card has been mailed by the OMMA, it will arrive within 2–5 working days.
Can I Go To A Dispensary Without A Card In Oklahoma?
Can you purchase MMJ before your replacement medical card arrives? This depends on the MMJ dispensary. Some dispensaries will insist that you have an MMJ card, but many OK dispensaries will allow you to purchase medical marijuana products if you give them your patient ID number and provide some ID, such as a driver’s license or passport.
How Much Does It Cost To Renew Your Medical Card In Oklahoma?
Replacing a currently valid OK MMJ card that has been lost, damaged, or stolen is free. Renewing an expired OK medical card costs $100 (or $20 with proof of Medicaid/Medicare/100% Disabled Veteran Status). You can pay for your renewed OK MMJ card with Visa, Mastercard, or Discover credit or debit card.
Can Out-Of-State MMJ Cardholders Purchase Medical Marijuana In OK?
Out-of-state medical marijuana cardholders can purchase MMJ in Oklahoma if they have a medical marijuana temporary patient license. This temporary license lasts for a month and must be renewed thereafter.
To apply for an Oklahoma medical marijuana temporary patient license, log in to the OMMA website and submit an application providing the following information:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Residence and mailing address
- Telephone number and email address
- Information about the out-of-state medical marijuana license
- Patient signature dated within 30 days of the application date
- Card application fee of $100
How Do I Qualify For A Medical Card In Oklahoma?
To qualify for an Oklahoma medical marijuana card, whether it’s your first card or a renewed card, you need the signature of a licensed OK physician. To get a replacement for a damaged or lost card, you do not need a physician’s signature.
There is no list of qualifying conditions for an MMJ card in Oklahoma. You can be prescribed medical marijuana for any condition that the physician believes would benefit from MMJ treatment.
How Can You Apply For A Medical Marijuana Card?
The best way to apply for an Oklahoma medical marijuana card is to set up an online telemedicine consultation with an OK MMJ doctor through MMJRecs. The MMJ doctor will verify your suitability for medical marijuana treatment and then send you your signed OMMA PDF form which you include in your application to OMMA.