Although consuming medical marijuana has finally started to become a widely accepted thing to do, 420 card holders still have a long way to go until doing so in public becomes completely welcomed. Not only are there those who would rather you didn’t consume around them for surface reasons — the smell, the image it creates — but there are also people who unjustly hate for the plant and go out of their way to make consuming in public as hard as possible. Fortunately, these people are becoming rarer.
It’s important to know how to consume your MMJ respectfully and, most importantly, legally. Until the new legislation is passed legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, medical marijuana card holders will still have to be careful about where and when they consume. Thankfully, MMJ is a wonderfully dynamic plant, and 420 card carriers won’t ever be short on ways they can use it.
It should go without saying that smoking is not an inconspicuous way to consume medical marijuana. The smoke produced is not only very visible to anyone who may want to complain about it, but also it creates a very distinctive smell — one that is usually unwelcome to those around the smoker. Weed smoke clings to people’s clothes and hair and can create an unpleasant atmosphere for those in the vicinity of the smoker. This is especially true for children.
It is imperative to be respectful of those around you when consuming MMJ. You can’t put your need for some relief over everyone else’s right to inhabit a comfortable environment.
It’s also important to note that the police will not take kindly to someone openly smoking marijuana in a public place, regardless of whether you have a medical marijuana card or not.
A nice alternative to smoking MMJ is vaping. Vaping is done using a vaporizer and is a much more conspicuous way of consuming than smoking. When you pull on the vaporizer, the cannabis is heated and creates a vape cloud, which you then inhale. This vape cloud is much more discreet than smoke as it disappears nearly instantly once you exhale it. Additionally, vaping doesn’t give off a strong smell. You can even get special scented vapes to cover up the marijuana scent completely.
Probably the sneakiest and most discreet way for medical marijuana card holders to consume is via a tincture. A tincture is a highly concentrated form of marijuana that has been mixed with an alcohol solution. This solution comes in dropper form, similar to eye or ear drops, making it perfect for carrying around under the radar.
The dropper packaging enables you to discreetly pop a drop onto your tongue or into your food or drink whenever you need to consume. If orally consuming the mixture doesn’t appeal to you, don’t worry: You can also put a few drops onto your skin, and it will have the same effect. The incredibly discreet nature of tinctures means you’re being respectful of everyone around you when consuming while at the same not earning yourself any unwanted attention.
A discreet — and delicious — way to consume medical marijuana is edibles. You can conjure up tasty MMJ-infused treats into just about any form you want — the more imaginative the better. MMJ Recs favorites include MMJ granola bars and MMJ mac and cheese. Edibles are perfect for respectful public consumption as they are indiscernible from normal snacks. The only way you could possible insult someone by consuming any of these delectable treats in public is by refusing to share them!

Drinking your medical marijuana is particularly useful to those 420 card holders who need to consume on the go.
Another respectful and handy way to consume medical marijuana in public is by drinking it. MMJ is just as delicious when consumed in a drink as it is in edible form and can be done so in a whole host of ways, from juices to smoothies to teas. Creating medical marijuana-infused drinks is easy to do, but there are some guidelines you need to follow to ensure you do it right. Check out our guides on how to make juice, smoothies and tea to become au fait with the best methods.
Drinking your medical marijuana is particularly useful to those 420 card holders who need to consume on the go. You can make up batches of juice in the morning for you to consume in the car, at work and at home discreetly and respectfully with ease. Additionally, being stopped by the police with a flask of tea in your car isn’t going to land you in any hot water – (excuse the pun!).
When consuming your MMJ, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings. Although most people wouldn’t have a problem with someone consuming discreetly in public, they will have a problem with you doing so in a disrespectful manner. To be safe from insulting anyone, stick to the above methods of consumption when out and about, even if you have your medical marijuana card, and you’ll be creating the safest and most comfortable environment for everyone.