What Are The Most Common Conditions MMJ Is Prescribed For?

person holding medical marijuana

In recent years, a significant shift has occurred in the perception of medical marijuana, transforming it from a controversial substance to a recognized and, in some places, a legal form of medical treatment. As the medical community delves into the therapeutic potential of cannabis, certain health conditions have emerged as primary candidates for its prescription.…

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Which MMJ Strain is Best for Treating Migraines?

As medical marijuana becomes a widespread treatment across the United States, patients are familiarizing themselves with the various strains, and sussing out which ones work best for their particular ailment. It might come as a surprise to newer patients not used to marijuana that the drug even comes in different MMJ strains; but there are…

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Medical Marijuana: 4 Myths and Why They’re Wrong

Marijuana smokers generally don’t get the hero treatment in pop culture. People refer to them as “stoners” and believe they’re more likely to eat a family-sized bag of Doritos than be contributing members of society. This nasty reputation can be traced all the way back to the 1930s, when a propaganda film called “Reefer Madness”…

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Opioid Epidemic: 3 Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Your Primary Painkiller

Both chronic pain and addiction — two horrific ongoing epidemics that have plagued our nation for decades — can be curbed by medical marijuana (MMJ). In fact, a 2009-2010 study points out that opiate overdoses dropped approximately 25 percent in states where medical cannabis was recognized while they rose everywhere else. Significant strides have been…

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When Medical Marijuana is the natural next step

Virtually every medication — whether prescription or over-the-counter — comes with a list of side effects. Some pills exist to calm the side effects of other pills, and even they come with their own lists of side effects. It’s a crazy cycle of discomfort. Patients should consider incorporating medical marijuana not only because there is…

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