The Science Behind THC and Its Potential Health Benefits

The use of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) has surged dramatically over the years with an increasing interest in the potential health benefits for medical marijuana patients. From pain management to mental health, THC is being explored for its therapeutic properties at an unprecedented rate. Statistics have also shown a significant rise in the acceptance and use of…

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8 Things You Need To Know About THC And How It Works

What is THC? How does THC work? Is THC the same as CBD? Is THC effective at treating pain? Is THC the same as MMJ? These are just some of the questions that people have about THC and how it can benefit them. There is quite a lot of confusion in the general public about…

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Should Medical Marijuana Have A THC Cap?

Because medical marijuana (MMJ) is still a fairly new enterprise in the U.S., lawmakers are continually coming up with new regulations to better monitor its safety for consumers. One of the biggest questions that has come to the forefront is “Should medical marijuana have a THC cap?”. Lawmakers are trying to pass legislation that would…

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