Posts Tagged ‘Utah’
MMJ In Utah: Everything A Medical Marijuana Patient Needs To Know
Although recreational marijuana is not legal in Utah yet, individuals who need cannabis for medical purposes are in luck. Medical marijuana (MMJ) has been legal in the state since 2018. While there were initially some restrictions related to this law, over the past few years, it’s become even easier for MMJ patients to get cards…
Read MoreBest Pain Management Centers In New York That MMJ Patients Should Know
Medical marijuana (MMJ) is used to treat pain from a wide variety of conditions or illnesses, including everything from chronic back pain to arthritis. There are many treatments that can be utilized along with MMJ products to alleviate pain, such as medications, physical therapy, and massage. The best pain management physicians collaborate with the patient…
Read More10 Pain Management Centers In Utah That MMJ Patients Should Know
Utah pain management clinics treat a wide range of medical conditions that cause chronic pain symptoms. Pain clinics in Salt Lake City, and throughout the state of Utah, specialize in helping people manage various types of pain and live more fulfilling lives. Utah pain specialists utilize a range of different treatments, including medical marijuana treatment.…
Read MorePatient Drives In Utah: How Do They Work?
For people who need medical marijuana in the state of Utah, gaining access isn’t always a straightforward process. The first step is getting approved for the use of MMJ, but that can only be done if a person has a qualifying condition as permitted by the state. In Utah, qualifying conditions include: HIV or acquired…
Read More4 Best Dispensaries In Utah
Back when Utah first legalized marijuana for medical use, the state had to decide how and where they would give citizens access to their medicine. The sale of medical marijuana is controlled by the Utah Department of Health, and originally, 14 medical marijuana dispensary licenses were given out to a select group of people who…
Read MoreHow Can I Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Utah?
In November of 2018, voters in Utah approved what is known as Proposition 2. This legislation legalized medical cannabis for patients who fell under one of the categories on the state’s list of approved conditions. By December of that year, the law went into effect, but was later subject to tighter restrictions that made it…
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