What is the fastest-growing medical marijuana state in the US? Only a few years ago, a lot of people thought that Oklahoma would never even get as far as legalizing medical marijuana. But it may surprise you to learn that Oklahoma is the nation’s fastest-growing MMJ state. In the space of fewer than eighteen months, MMJ has been fully legalized in the Sooner State, and the remarkable medical marijuana boom in Oklahoma has amazed industry insiders.
Since Oklahoma voted to legalize medical cannabis in June 2018, the OK MMJ industry has grown at a breakneck pace. Oklahoma has been the fastest-growing medical marijuana state bar none in 2019. The state’s MMJ patient uptake has been enormous – as of September 2019, 180,000 patient licenses have been issued. That is roughly 5% of the state’s population!
Why is the Oklahoma MMJ Industry Growing so Quickly?
In many ways, Oklahoma is a medical marijuana state like no other. The state has a pro-free-market ethos and especially values personal freedom and responsibility, and small government. This Oklahoma mindset has allowed the local MMJ industry to flourish and grow unencumbered by excessive red tape or overzealous local government interference. The only way the state authorities have interfered with the OK MMJ industry has been in imposing high quality-control standards.

There are several reasons why Oklahoma is the fastest-growing MMJ state in the US.
Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Provides Huge Health Benefits
The medical marijuana debate in Oklahoma was, for years, mainly a hot-button political issue. Virtue-signaling and point-scoring tended to get in the way of real, productive, science-based conversation. But since MMJ has been legalized, political arguing has given way to a widespread acceptance of the medicinal value of medical marijuana in Oklahoma.
Knowledge of the most up-to-date science – which shows how medical marijuana can help people who suffer from glaucoma, chronic pain, insomnia, and many other physical and psychological ailments – is now ubiquitous in the state. Oklahomans have become convinced of the positive health and quality-of-life benefits of medical marijuana.
MMJ in Oklahoma is an Alternative to Opioids and Prescription Medications
Oklahoma, like many states, has seen an opioid crisis take hold among certain sections of its population. More and more people have come to rely on opioids and prescription painkillers to help them cope with chronic pain conditions. These opioids and prescription painkillers can do great damage to a person’s liver and have negative effects on overall physical and mental health. In Oklahoma medical marijuana has proven to be a healthy, natural alternative medicine for these people.
Competition is Fierce, So Quality is High
The huge growth in the medical marijuana market in Oklahoma has led to a massive number of MMJ businesses opening in the state. As of September 2019, 2,000 dispensary licenses have been issued, as well as 4,000 growing licenses. The result of this enormous boom in Oklahoma MMJ businesses has been a fierce and healthy competition that is very good for MMJ patients.
With so many businesses vying for a share of the market, product quality is extremely high. The standard of medical marijuana produced in Oklahoma is second to none and dispensaries in the state are some of the best, most cutting-edge, and most educational in the US.
OK MMJ Dispensaries Put an Emphasis on Education
With such intense competition between dispensaries, companies need to set themselves apart. This is done by offering the best service possible, and a big part of this comes in the form of an emphasis on education. The best Oklahoma dispensaries offer their customers a rich and up-to-date education on all things MMJ.
Jazimine Ayres, from Green Country Bud dispensary in South Tulsa, says her main aim is to get to know her customers so well that she can educate them on exactly what MMJ products will suit them and their unique needs the best.

Many OK MMJ dispensaries are highly education-focused.
Oklahoma Has No List of Qualifying Medical Conditions to Get an MMJ License
A big reason why Oklahoma is the fastest-growing MMJ state in America is its lack of an imposed list of qualifying medical conditions. Oklahoma leaves prescription of medical marijuana completely at the discretion of the examining medical professional. This means that a physician can prescribe a patient an OK MMJ license for any medical condition that they deem would be helped by medical cannabis use.
How Can People Get an MMJ Card in Oklahoma?
The quickest and easiest way to get an Oklahoma medical marijuana license is to have an online consultation with a medical professional at MMJ Recs. Using this simple method, you can arrange a consultation and have your own OK MMJ card in no time at all.
Oklahoma has only had an MMJ industry for less than two years, but in that time the rapid growth of medical marijuana in OK has been nothing short of remarkable. Long may it continue!