MMJRecs Blogs

The Tinctures Trend: The New Way to Consume Medical Marijuana

March 8, 2017

Tinctures seem to be the hot new trend in medical marijuana, but to a newbie, they can be slightly confusing. What do you even do with a small bottle of what appears to be weed alcohol? How can this really…

8 Celebrities Who Endorse Medical Marijuana

March 6, 2017

When it comes to celebrity endorsements, the Venn diagram between recreational and medical marijuana generally appears as a singular circle. Although there are many A-listers whose love of green goes under the radar, as the conversation regarding legalization grows every year,…

How Long Until Medical Marijuana Is Legalized Throughout the US?

March 4, 2017

Marijuana laws in the United States have made great strides in recent years. Since California first made medical marijuana legal back in 1996, 28 other states and Washington, D.C., have followed suit. Although more states have also legalized medicinal marijuana…

What Medical Marijuana Strains Are Best for Treating My Specific Pain?

March 2, 2017

Pain relief is the No. 1 reason why Californians obtain a medical marijuana card. With many people growing weary of prescription medications due to their numerous harmful side effects, MMJ is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways for…

11 Best MMJ Strains For Depression

February 28, 2017

There is a growing body of evidence, both research-based and anecdotal, that a medical marijuana card California can be an invaluable tool for improving the symptoms of depression. That’s because certain MMJ strains can greatly improve depression symptoms in many patients.…

9 Best MMJ Strains for Treating Anxiety

February 26, 2017

Anxiety can attack a person in many different ways. For people who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, just being out and about, living a normal life, can be a real ordeal, whereas acute anxieties and phobias can render victims totally unable…

What Happens to Your California Medical Marijuana Card When Weed Is Legalized?

February 24, 2017

There has been a big furor recently over California passing Proposition 64 after the state’’s residents voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill. Prop 64 allows average citizens to legally buy and consume recreational marijuana. California has often been the…

4 Ways to Consume MMJ That Your Grandma Won’t Notice

February 22, 2017

In recent years, medical marijuana has grown in popularity. The once frowned upon herb is now seen as a legitimate form of medication for a variety of ailments. Although it’s perfectly legal to use MMJ when purchased with a 420…

Are Medical Marijuana Tinctures Better for You than Smoking MMJ?

February 21, 2017

California became the first state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes in 1996. Today, 24 states now have medical marijuana legislation. Nowadays, thanks to restrictions gradually diminishing and research stating that cannabis can help kill cancer cells, the stigma associated…

4 Savory Medical Marijuana Edibles Recipes 

February 19, 2017

So you’re the proud owner of a California medical marijuana card. Now what? Well, you might know exactly what you want to do with the stuff, but it’s also possible that you’re not actually sure the best way to ingest…

4 Mouth-Watering Medical Marijuana Edible Recipes

February 17, 2017

When it comes to consuming medical marijuana, cannabis card holders are often undeniably inventive. From smoking to vaping to tincturing and even juicing, it has never been easier for us to consume MMJ in a way that best suits our…

How To Make Cannabis Oil: 5 Easy Steps

February 15, 2017

If you have a medical marijuana card California, making cannabis oil at home is easy-peasy! Cannabis oil is a potent substance that can be eaten, inhaled, or rubbed on topically. It is the foundation to many tasty edible marijuana recipes.…

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If you’ve got a renewal coming up, don’t sit on it! Together, we’ll take care of it and make sure that your medical marijuana consumption is safe and legal.

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