Does Medical Marijuana Thin Your Blood?

Medical marijuana (MMJ) has become increasingly popular across the US as more and more people become aware of its health benefits. MMJ can relieve the symptoms of a variety of health conditions, and is an effective treatment for many mental and physical illnesses. For many patients, MMJ provides essential pain relief and is an important…

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7 Tips On Treating Symptoms Of “Old Age”

As you get older, there are tons of changes that can occur in nearly every part of your body and mind. Some of these signs of aging can be relatively minor and won’t affect your day-to-day life, while others can have a significant impact on your quality of life. So, how do you treat “old…

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Senior Citizens: 4 Tips On Staying Healthy Throughout The Year

As we grow older, it becomes especially important to keep on top of our health. Every human body accrues wear and tear as the years go by; this is an unavoidable aspect of life. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy a long, healthy, and happy old age! In the second half of life,…

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Is It Safe To Dose With MMJ If You Have Coronavirus?

COVID-19 is a serious illness, especially when it comes to how it can impact the health of the lungs. Many people who dose with MMJ do so through smoking or vaping, which can also affect the lungs. Understandably, you may be wondering: is it safe to dose with MMJ if you have coronavirus? Here’s everything…

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MMJ And Glaucoma: Everything You Need To Know

Glaucoma is a painful medical condition that affects the optic nerve. Glaucoma occurs when intraocular pressure – increased pressure in the eye caused by a buildup of fluid – irritates and damages to the optic nerve. This buildup of fluid is usually caused by a blockage in the mesh-like channel that the naturally occurring fluid,…

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How to Fit MMJ Into Your Daily Life

If you’re thinking about using medical marijuana, you might be anxious as to how you can make it fit in with your daily life. MMJ has a difficult reputation, but thanks to a rise in use, further legalization, and increased research in the area, more and more people are turning to it in order to…

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