California has long been a mecca for medical marijuana. Some of the earliest efforts to promote the legalization of medicinal cannabis happened in California, particularly San Francisco, in the early ’90s. California became one of the first states to legalize medical marijuana in 1996, and since then the Golden State’s MMJ program has gone from strength to strength.
California also legalized recreational marijuana from January 1st, 2018. While both medical and recreational marijuana are now legal in the state, there are advantages to having a California medical marijuana card, including money savings and not having to worry about shortages.
California medical marijuana patients use a wide array of MMJ products to treat medical conditions including: AIDS, anxiety, anorexia, arthritis, cachexia, cancer, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, migraine, muscle spasms, nausea, and seizures. MMJ can greatly relieve the symptoms of these, as well as many other medical conditions.
Since the legalization of medical marijuana in California, the MMJ industry has been booming in the state. California has a very vibrant MMJ scene and is home to some of the most educational, forward-looking, and well-stocked medical marijuana dispensaries in the world. But which California city has the best MMJ dispensaries? Read on to find out all you need to know about dispensaries in California.
How Many MMJ Dispensaries Are There In California?
There are over 500 MMJ dispensaries in California. They are spread throughout the state, with San Francisco, LA, and San Diego being main hubs. California dispensaries take in an estimated $1 to $2 billion in revenue every year.
What MMJ Products Do California Dispensaries Sell?
California medical marijuana dispensaries are some of the most well-stocked in the world. Cali MMJ dispensaries sell a wide array of high-quality MMJ products, such as:
- Pre-rolls
- Marijuana flower
- Cannabis oils
- Beauty and skincare products
- Edibles
- Drinks and teas
- Capsules
- Vapes
- Tinctures
Which City Has The Most Dispensaries In California?
Cathedral City, which sits inland and equidistant between LA and San Diego, has the highest number of medical marijuana dispensaries per capita in California.
What Is The Biggest Dispensary In California?
There are several large dispensaries in California, all of which have very extensive menus. In terms of product range, Grass Roots in San Francisco seems to have the largest menu of MMJ products in California.
Can California Dispensaries Ship Out Of State?
Several California dispensaries operate online and home-deliver MMJ. MMJ home delivery has become especially popular during the COVID pandemic lockdowns. Some California MMJ dispensaries also ship out of state.
Do California Dispensaries Accept Out-Of-State Medical Cards?
California does not have a dedicated MMJ card reciprocity program, but out-of-state visitors are allowed to apply for a California medical marijuana card that they can use while in the state. Once they have a Cali medical card, they can buy MMJ products from California medical marijuana dispensaries.
Which California City Has The Best MMJ Dispensaries?
There are excellent MMJ dispensaries all across California. MMJ patients are divided about which city has the best dispensaries in the state. We think that thanks to its relaxed and laid-back vibe, and the educational ethos and spectacular product range of its dispensaries, San Francisco just pips LA to the title.

3 Of The Best Dispensaries In San Francisco
1. Apothecarium
Apothecarium is a mini-chain with multiple locations in San Francisco. With its opulent, stylish interior and excellent range of high-end but reasonably priced MMJ products, Apothecarium rightly deserves its reputation as one of the best MMJ dispensaries in California.
2. Moe Greens
This dispensary has an amazing range of high-end marijuana products, including drinks and edibles. It is famous for its “playground” lounge, where you can relax and sample its unique menu on comfortable green leather booths beneath sparkling chandeliers.
3. Grass Roots
Grass Roots is a local favorite with San Francisco MMJ patients. This atmospheric dispensary opens late and boasts California’s largest range of medical marijuana products.
How Can You Get A California Medical Marijuana Card?
The best way to get a California medical marijuana card is to arrange a telemedicine consultation with a California MMJ doctor through the MMJRecs online clinic. In the consultation, the doctor will examine you to verify your suitability for MMJ treatment. Once your suitability has been verified, you will be emailed a legal medical marijuana physician certification form instantly.
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