MMJRecs Blogs

Millions Per Month: Why The Missouri Medical Marijuana Business Is Booming

August 30, 2021

In 2014, Governor Jay Nixon signed the Missouri Medical Marijuana Bill, making it possible for CBD to be used as medicine for seizures. In 2018, Amendment 2 was passed, making medical marijuana in the state completely legal. Since these beginnings…

5 Best Dispensaries In Pennsylvania In 2021

August 25, 2021

The Pennsylvania medical marijuana industry is going from strength to strength. MMJ patients in PA can now avail of a wide range of high-quality medicinal marijuana products that treat the symptoms of debilitating medical conditions and massively enhance quality of…

What The Relaxation In Access To Cannabis For Scientific Research Means For Medical Marijuana Development

August 20, 2021

The use of cannabis in scientific research in the US has been at a standstill for the last five decades. The limit on where scientists could access cannabis for research was limited to just one facility at the University of…

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Missouri?

August 15, 2021

Ever since the legalization of medical marijuana (MMJ) in 2018, Missouri’s MMJ scene has gone from strength to strength. Obtaining a Missouri MMJ card is the best way to benefit from this progress, as a card allows you to purchase…

How Much Medical Marijuana Can You Legally Possess In Oklahoma?

August 10, 2021

The Sooner State’s MMJ program is one of the most liberal, well-run, and patient-friendly in the US. Oklahoma medical card holders, as well as out-of-state patients who visit OK, are privileged to be able to visit Oklahoma dispensaries and avail…

5 Best Dispensaries In Missouri In 2021

August 5, 2021

Missouri’s new medical marijuana program is providing massive value to the growing number of MMJ patients in the state. Missouri residents are getting to enjoy hugely improved quality of life thanks to the rejuvenating effects of MMJ treatment. All of…

What Do The Latest Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Law Changes Mean For MMJ Patients?

July 30, 2021

Medical marijuana has been legal in the state of Pennsylvania since April 6, 2016, with patients being able to access medical marijuana by 2018. When the laws were passed, many people were able to get the medical relief they needed…

Do Pennsylvania Dispensaries Accept Credit Cards?

July 25, 2021

Pennsylvania dispensary laws can be somewhat confusing for first-time visitors and new MMJ patients. Dispensaries have only been open for business in Pennsylvania since 2018, so the Keystone State has a lot of relatively new MMJ patients. The confusion comes…

Can I Go To A Dispensary Without A Card In Pennsylvania?

July 20, 2021

In 2016, a new state law was introduced that allowed for compassionate medical cannabis to be used lawfully in Pennsylvania. The medical marijuana that can be sold under the new law is strictly regulated, and thus difficult to get if…

How Much Does It Cost To Renew Your Medical Card In Oklahoma?

July 15, 2021

What are the costs involved in renewing a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma? How does the process of renewing an OK MMJ card work? Can an Oklahoma MMJ card be renewed online? These are questions we get asked more and…

Can You Own A Gun And Have A Medical Card In Missouri In 2021?

July 10, 2021

With the widespread adoption of medical marijuana across the United States, many laws and regulations have been put in place for those who wish to get a medical marijuana card. These laws were created so that those who use medical…

Can Your Employer Ask You If You Have An MMJ Card In Missouri?

July 5, 2021

Medical marijuana in Missouri has been on a long journey since 2014. The laws regarding possession were loosened in that year, and in 2018 Missourians were approved the right to use medical marijuana in the state. The changes to the…

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If you’ve got a renewal coming up, don’t sit on it! Together, we’ll take care of it and make sure that your medical marijuana consumption is safe and legal.

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