MMJRecs Blogs

Can Medical Cannabis Help Treat Lupus?

January 2, 2020

There are currently more than 240,000 people living with lupus in the US today. Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that causes the body’s immune system to attack its own tissues and internal organs (including the brain, heart, and lungs). The…

What’s The Legal Amount Of Medical Marijuana Buds I Can Possess?

December 20, 2019

“How many MMJ buds can I legally possess?” is a question every medical marijuana patient needs to know the answer to. Possession of medical marijuana buds is legal in an ever-growing number of states. Colorado blazed a trail with early…

4 Reasons Why MMJ Patients Are Allowed To Possess More Marijuana Than The General Public

December 18, 2019

The laws surrounding marijuana, both for medicinal and recreational use, are constantly changing and differ from state to state. However, there are still some very straightforward advantages to having a medical marijuana (MMJ) card. One of the biggest benefits is…

Tinctures, Vape Liquids And Edibles: How Much MMJ Product Can I Legally Possess?

December 14, 2019

At this time, recreational marijuana is still prohibited in many states. In the 11 states where it is legal, there are still restrictions on how much a person can possess. But are the rules different for medical marijuana products possession?…

4 Reasons Why MMJ Patients Are Allowed To Grow More Marijuana Than The General Public

December 10, 2019

Marijuana laws can be quite confusing. As it stands in 2019, the drug exists in a kind of grey area, where it’s legal in some states and illegal in others. Muddying the waters further is MMJ, or medical marijuana, a…

What’s The Legal Amount Of Medical Marijuana I Can Grow?

December 9, 2019

Medical marijuana is now legal in 33 states. Well, we say legal, but in fact marijuana is still defined as a Schedule 1 drug, making it an illegal substance under federal law. Luckily, though, each state has been given leeway…

6 Easiest MMJ Strains To Grow At Home

December 4, 2019

Growing your own medicinal marijuana is an extremely satisfying thing to do. Watching your plants grow and thrive is a fun, rewarding experience. It is also a very educational undertaking and a skill that you can build. If you’re wondering…

Making Sure Your Oklahoma MMJ Card Is Up To Date And On The Right Side Of The Law

November 25, 2019

Living in Oklahoma entitles you to participate in the state’s medical marijuana program. We’ve talked a lot about how to obtain a medical marijuana card, but once you have it, you might ask the question: “How do I make sure…

6 Of The Best Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

November 18, 2019

If you own an Oklahoma MMJ card, then you’re in good company! More than 151,000 people have applied for and received an MMJ card in Oklahoma since marijuana was legalized for medicinal purposes back in June 2018. Unlike most other…

Growing Medical Marijuana In Oklahoma: Everything You Need To Know

November 11, 2019

Growing your own medical marijuana is a fantastic option for many MMJ card holders. Luckily, in Oklahoma, it’s relatively simple to get started. Let’s take a look at the rules, requirements, and practicalities so you’ve got everything you need to…

Why Is Oklahoma The Fastest-Growing MMJ State In The US?

October 30, 2019

What is the fastest-growing medical marijuana state in the US? Only a few years ago, a lot of people thought that Oklahoma would never even get as far as legalizing medical marijuana. But it may surprise you to learn that…

Cannabis Banking In Oklahoma: All You Need To Know

October 25, 2019

Since Oklahoma legalized medical marijuana in 2018, it’s been a boon to the economy as well as a boost to the health of the people who benefit from it. But there’s one big question that surrounds the medical marijuana industry…

We're here to make the process as easy as possible.

If you’ve got a renewal coming up, don’t sit on it! Together, we’ll take care of it and make sure that your medical marijuana consumption is safe and legal.

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