MMJRecs Blogs

How to Store Your Medical Marijuana Properly

May 5, 2018

If you’re someone who uses medical marijuana, you’ll know what a lifesaver it can be in helping to treat the symptoms associated with some really debilitating illnesses. It can be taken in a variety of forms and strains, but there…

The 8 Best MMJ Sweets On The Market

April 29, 2018

Since its introduction in 1996 in California, patients have been finding unique ways to incorporate medical marijuana into their daily routine. As well as all the legislature, advocation, and vilification of MMJ, there’s also a fun side too; you can mix…

The Four Most MMJ Friendly States In America

April 24, 2018

As it stands in 2018, medical marijuana sits at a distinctive crossroads in American society. Over half of the country has embraced it; 29 states have legalized the drug for medicinal purposes, with the 30th state almost sure to follow…

How Senior Citizens Can Benefit from Using MMJ Products

April 19, 2018

More and more people are getting introduced to the many advantages of using medical marijuana. With its increased availability and popularity, senior citizens are becoming more likely to buy MMJ products. Between 2006 and 2013, the use of cannabis by…

How to Fit MMJ Into Your Daily Life

April 14, 2018

If you’re thinking about using medical marijuana, you might be anxious as to how you can make it fit in with your daily life. MMJ has a difficult reputation, but thanks to a rise in use, further legalization, and increased…

Medical Marijuana and Stigma: 6 Myths Busted

April 9, 2018

Medical marijuana is something that suffers from a lot of stigma. While it offers real treatment to many patients who suffer from a variety of conditions, it is the victim of misinformation from people who believe it to be nothing…

5 Benefits of Having A California Medical Marijuana Card

April 4, 2018

With over half of U.S. states legalizing medical marijuana (29 at last count), the drug is starting to be accepted as something more than simply an outlier treatment; it is a genuine, progressive form of therapy with tangible results. Although…

How to Find the Best MMJ Dispensary in Your Area

March 30, 2018

  1. Get your MMJ card Your first step should be to obtain your own cannabis card. If you don’t know of a doctor who can prescribe medical marijuana to you, head to MMJRecs for either a phone or online…

6 Different Forms of Medical Marijuana and How They Can Work for You

March 25, 2018

There are many myths about MMJ and one of the main ones is that the only form available is joints that you can smoke. The truth is that there are many different forms of medical marijuana and, depending on the…

Now That Recreational Marijuana Is Legalized, What Does That Mean For MMJ Patients?

March 20, 2018

Marijuana in America is a tale of two strains. On the one hand, there is medical marijuana, or MMJ for short, which has been gaining traction as a progressive new health care option for the last two decades. On the…

Could MMJ Products Affect the US Opioid Epidemic?

March 15, 2018

A massive opioid epidemic is currently sweeping the United States, creating a shocking increase in overdoses and deaths. Although some people are prescribed painkillers (like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl) for chronic pain issues, there are also many who use opioids…

Why 2018 Is Already The Best Year For MMJ Patients

March 10, 2018

Medical marijuana has had a long and difficult road to get to where it finds itself in 2018. Although MMJ has many proven health benefits, and can ease symptoms of a wide variety of illnesses and afflictions, the progressive drug…

We're here to make the process as easy as possible.

If you’ve got a renewal coming up, don’t sit on it! Together, we’ll take care of it and make sure that your medical marijuana consumption is safe and legal.

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