MMJRecs Blogs

Which MMJ Strain is Best for Treating Migraines?

August 5, 2017

As medical marijuana becomes a widespread treatment across the United States, patients are familiarizing themselves with the various strains, and sussing out which ones work best for their particular ailment. It might come as a surprise to newer patients not…

What California MMJ Patients Think of New York’s New Medical Cannabis Legislation

August 3, 2017

Twenty nine states across the U.S. have now legalized medical marijuana, although the strictures of each respective legislation differ wildly. Although MMJ has been legal in at least one state in America since 1996, it still remains a contentious topic…

6 Delicious MMJ Juice Recipes

August 1, 2017

Medical marijuana card holders sure are a creative bunch. Since the dawn of the MMJ card, patients across cannabis friendly states haven’t been short on imagination when it comes to finding new and innovative ways to consume the plant. Most…

5 MMJ Strains That Are Perfect to Consume at Work

July 31, 2017

It’s time to forget those stereotypical images of the lazy, sleepy stoner. These days, marijuana – particularly medical marijuana – is no longer associated with lethargy, drowsiness and lying on the couch in your underwear all day, working your way…

Why You’ll Still Need an MMJ Card After Weed is Legalized

July 29, 2017

Medical marijuana has been legal in California since 1996, when the medical cannabis program was first approved. It was the number one state to legalize cannabis for medical purposes. Since then, many people with a debilitating illness have applied for…

Is it Safe to Consume Medical Marijuana Around Children?

July 27, 2017

As the medical marijuana card revolution spreads across the United States, MMJ-using parents are now facing the tough question of whether or not they should consume the plant around their kids. Although MMJ isn’t as mind altering as other legalized substances…

The Beginner’s Guide to Vaping Medical Marijuana

July 25, 2017

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you’re probably aware of the omnipotence of vaping. Not just reserved for show-off teens making trick videos on YouTube, vaping has become more and more commonplace in recent…

Is New York Going to Overtake California as the Leading MMJ State?

July 23, 2017

As legal medical marijuana becomes more and more widespread in the United States, the particular ways each state is handling the introduction of the medicine are slowly becoming apparent. There are currently 29 legal MMJ states in the country, across the country…

6 Potential Negative Side Effects of MMJ Use to Watch Out For

July 21, 2017

Thank goodness for the continuing, relentless and seemingly unstoppable liberalization of medical marijuana laws that are sweeping across the United States (and to a lesser extent, the globe) at this moment in history. This period in time will forever be…

3 MMJ Brownie Recipes That Will Change Your Life

July 19, 2017

An excellent way to satisfy your sweet tooth and give your lungs a break, while at the same time easing your glaucoma, calming your PTSD, controlling your muscle spasms or simply setting yourself up for a top-quality 8 hours of…

Will MMJ Cure My Aches?

July 17, 2017

Chronic pain is one of the toughest conditions to live with. There is no standard test for it, it can take many forms, and it often varies wildly from person to person. Most patients are understandably reluctant to rely upon…

The Benefits of MMJ vs. Modern Day Medicine

July 15, 2017

We all know that medical marijuana is a wonderfully brilliant miracle treatment, but did you know that thanks to its effectiveness, it’s now seriously rivaling the popularity of modern day medicine in MMJ card states? While this doesn’t come as…

We're here to make the process as easy as possible.

If you’ve got a renewal coming up, don’t sit on it! Together, we’ll take care of it and make sure that your medical marijuana consumption is safe and legal.

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