Posts Tagged ‘COVID-19’
7 Reasons Why The MMJ Market In Florida Is Booming During Coronavirus
A lot of businesses have been hurt by the coronavirus pandemic that’s swept across the country. Closures ranging from restaurants and movie theaters to gyms and stadiums have all resulted in business downturn and profit losses. But there’s one business that has actually grown during the lockdown period. The medical marijuana (MMJ) market in some…
Read MoreCould Cannabis Help Treat Coronavirus?
The coronavirus pandemic has hit populations hard all over the world. An alarmingly high number of deaths in many countries has led to researchers scrambling to find an effective treatment or cure for the disease. One recent study conducted in Canada looked at whether marijuana might be an option for coronavirus treatment. So, could cannabis…
Read MoreIs It Safe To Dose With MMJ If You Have Coronavirus?
COVID-19 is a serious illness, especially when it comes to how it can impact the health of the lungs. Many people who dose with MMJ do so through smoking or vaping, which can also affect the lungs. Understandably, you may be wondering: is it safe to dose with MMJ if you have coronavirus? Here’s everything…
Read MoreAre MMJ Dispensaries Considered An Essential Service During The Coronavirus Pandemic?
The MMJ landscape is always shifting, but with the emergence of COVID-19, this has never been more true. Communities all over the United States are adapting to stay at home orders and legislators are hard at work with new rules and regulations. So are MMJ dispensaries considered an essential service during the coronavirus pandemic? In…
Read MoreHow To Apply For An MMJ Card During COVID-19 Lockdown
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way people go about their everyday lives, closing nonessential businesses in many communities in the process. This can be a worry for those who are looking to get approval for the use of medical marijuana. The good news is that in many states, MMJ services have been deemed essential…
Read MoreWays Medical Marijuana Laws Have Changed In Response To Coronavirus
Sales of medical marijuana have not died down amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, many medical marijuana patients have stocked up on supplies as many people have stocked up on toilet paper and other important household goods. Understandably, they’re afraid of a disruption in the supply chain that would keep them from accessing the MMJ…
Read MoreAre Dispensaries Doing Home Delivery During The Coronavirus Pandemic?
MMJ patients in various parts of the country have been keen to find out: are dispensaries doing home delivery during the coronavirus pandemic? How to get medical marijuana during lockdown is a real issue for patients who rely on MMJ to ease the symptoms of medical conditions that are often severe and debilitating. MMJ home…
Read MoreAm I Able to Grow More MMJ At Home During COVID-19 Lockdown?
We’re all living with a crazy amount of uncertainty these days. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has shown us that we simply can’t predict how much the world will change from one day to the next. One thing that is for certain is that medical marijuana (MMJ) patients will still need cannabis to help treat their…
Read MoreAre Dispensaries Prioritizing MMJ Card Holders During The Coronavirus Pandemic?
There is much uncertainty in the world right now due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. For individuals who use medical marijuana (MMJ) to help ease or alleviate their symptoms, the virus can cause a lot of worry. If you’re wondering, “Can I still get my MMJ from a dispensary because of COV-19?” the answer is…
Read MoreAre MMJ Smokers More At Risk From COVID-19? (And 5 Alternative Ways To Dose)
Now that the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has seemingly take hold of the whole world, it can be tricky to know whether all the things you’re hearing about it are factual. You probably have tons of questions surrounding COVID-19, including, “Are medical marijuana patients at risk from coronavirus?” Keep reading to find out more about how…
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