MMJ And Glaucoma: Everything You Need To Know

Glaucoma is a painful medical condition that affects the optic nerve. Glaucoma occurs when intraocular pressure – increased pressure in the eye caused by a buildup of fluid – irritates and damages to the optic nerve. This buildup of fluid is usually caused by a blockage in the mesh-like channel that the naturally occurring fluid,…

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How Does Medical Marijuana Treat Seizures?

If you or a family member suffers from seizures, you will know just how debilitating they can be. Seizures vary considerably in their severity, but nearly three million Americans experience them regularly in some form or other. One of the most challenging things to have to deal with is the suddenness with which seizures can…

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How Can Medical Marijuana Help Cancer Patients?

It’s a sad fact that one in three people will get cancer at some stage in their lives. That’s a scary thought to face – it means that if it’s not you, it’s likely to be a person close to you. Everybody knows someone who has been, or is currently, affected by cancer. For some…

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Can Medical Cannabis Help Treat Lupus?

There are currently more than 240,000 people living with lupus in the US today. Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that causes the body’s immune system to attack its own tissues and internal organs (including the brain, heart, and lungs). The inflammation caused by lupus results in patients experiencing chronic pain, tissue swelling and damage, and…

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Explaining the Science Behind MMJ And Joint Pain Relief

These days, most people in the United States are aware that Medical Marijuana, aka MMJ, can be used for pain relief – and more specifically, joint pain relief for conditions such as arthritis. But why does marijuana help joint pain? What’s the best strain of MMJ to use for this purpose? And how exactly can…

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4 Ways Medical Marijuana Can Help Arthritis Patients

Medical marijuana is used for many chronic conditions, one of which is arthritis in all its forms. Like many of the conditions that qualify patients for MMJ cards, the main course of action for those that suffer from arthritis is the management of their symptoms, which include joint pain and stiffness, among others. MMJ has…

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How Senior Citizens Can Benefit from Using MMJ Products

More and more people are getting introduced to the many advantages of using medical marijuana. With its increased availability and popularity, senior citizens are becoming more likely to buy MMJ products. Between 2006 and 2013, the use of cannabis by senior citizens (over the age of 65) increased by an astounding 250 percent. In fact,…

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Could MMJ Products Affect the US Opioid Epidemic?

A massive opioid epidemic is currently sweeping the United States, creating a shocking increase in overdoses and deaths. Although some people are prescribed painkillers (like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl) for chronic pain issues, there are also many who use opioids as recreational drugs. For those who are using opioids as prescribed, it’s possible that an…

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93% of Elderly Patients Report Health Improvements Using Medical Marijuana

Researchers have known for quite some time that medical marijuana can be greatly beneficial in treating the symptoms of a number of conditions (including anxiety, cancer, glaucoma, migraines, etc.). This fact was validated even further by a recent study that showed that a stunning 93% of elderly patients who used MMJ products saw improvements with…

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6 Best Strains of Medical Cannabis for Improving Athletic Performance

Medical cannabis can have hugely beneficial effects on athletic performance. Improved recovery, pain management, sharpened focus, decreased anxiety, increased appetite, and better sleep are some of the effects of medical cannabis for athletes in all sorts of sports. Athletes involved at a high level in weightlifting, bodybuilding, Brazilian jiu jitsu, mixed martial arts, marathon running, and even…

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