MMJRecs Blogs
4 Mouth-Watering Medical Marijuana Edible Recipes
When it comes to consuming medical marijuana, cannabis card holders are often undeniably inventive. From smoking to vaping to tincturing and even juicing, it has never been easier for us to consume MMJ in a way that best suits our…
How To Make Cannabis Oil: 5 Easy Steps
If you have a medical marijuana card California, making cannabis oil at home is easy-peasy! Cannabis oil is a potent substance that can be eaten, inhaled, or rubbed on topically. It is the foundation to many tasty edible marijuana recipes.…
4 Sweet Medical Marijuana Edibles Recipes
Smoking your medical cannabis is enjoyable and easy, and it certainly hits the spot. But sometimes it’s nice to put your California medical marijuana card to a more creative use and utilize your MMJ to make some sweet, psychoactive edible treats. In this…
How Medical Marijuana Helps Fight Arthritis
By now, most folk who have more than a passing interest in this subject are familiar with how to get medical marijuana in California. You might still be asking yourself questions though. Is it for you? Will it help? Here…
How And Why Arnold Schwarzenegger Decriminalized Medical Marijuana
At the age of 20, Arnold Schwarzenegger was the youngest man to ever win Mr. Universe and went on to win the title a further three times, and win the Mr. Olympia title seven times. He then set his eyes…
Which Medical Marijuana Strain Is Best For Relaxing?
In today’s world of constant stimulation from social media, email, text messages and phone calls, rising job insecurity, and both national and international tension, stress is at an all-time high. Feelings of stress or anxiety release cortisol – the stress…
The History Of Medical Marijuana In California
Marijuana is America’s number one cash-crop and has been around since the founding of America. It is woven throughout the tapestry of our history – the founding fathers even wrote the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper! But for various…
Does Medical Cannabis Work Better Than Traditional Medicine?
With all drugs, there is a tossup between the benefits/efficacy, and the detriments/side-effects. If the side-effects are more prominent than the desired effects, then the drug is, in most cases, considered dangerous and unhelpful. Then it’s back to the drawing…
How A Medical Marijuana Card Can Free You Of Daily Pain
Pain plays a vitally important role in the human body. Whether we like it or not, pain acts as the important alarm system that tells us when something is wrong – we simply cannot live without it. For those of…
Can I Consume Medical Cannabis If I Have Depression?
Depression is an epidemic that affects roughly 350 million people worldwide. This painful condition is a leading cause of disability in the world today. There are mixed reports on the effects of medical cannabis use on depression. Some experts believe that…
Cutting Through The Controversy Surrounding Medical Marijuana
Despite the fact that a raft of new states voted to legalize medical marijuana, and many voted to legalize even recreational use of the drug, there is still a lot of controversy surrounding cannabis use in the United States. The herb…
Why Medical Cannabis Is The New Go-To Medicine In California
Medical cannabis has long been disregarded by mainstream medicine, although this attitude is slowly changing. Prior to rigorous testing, medical practitioners are extremely wary of recommending the use of any drug to patients for fear of causing more harm than…
We're here to make the process as easy as possible.
If you’ve got a renewal coming up, don’t sit on it! Together, we’ll take care of it and make sure that your medical marijuana consumption is safe and legal.
If you have any questions or issues, please get in touch with