Why Parents are Turning to Medical Marijuana to Help Their Kids

MMJRecs medical cannabis card

Scientific studies aside, most parents will do anything to help their child. Seeing your kid suffer from an illness that’s seemingly untreatable can be one of the most devastating things a parent can witness. Most parents are will do whatever it takes to give their child relief. A chance to heal becomes all that matters,…

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CBD and THC: What’s the Difference?

If you have a weed card, you need to know the differences in types of weed.

If you found this article, it’s fair to assume you’ve heard about CBD and THC, also known as cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol, the two main ingredients in a marijuana plant. While these ingredients are different in their properties, both fall into a class of compounds commonly referred to as cannabinoids. The Differences Between CBD and THC…

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