MMJRecs Blogs

What The New York Legal Cannabis Bill Means For MMJ Cardholders

April 30, 2021

Recent legislation has passed to make cannabis legal in another US state. The latest news on legalization in NY is that residents of the Big Apple are no longer prohibited from using recreational marijuana. Wondering what the New York legal…

Which California City Has The Best MMJ Dispensaries?

April 25, 2021

California has long been a mecca for medical marijuana. Some of the earliest efforts to promote the legalization of medicinal cannabis happened in California, particularly San Francisco, in the early ’90s. California became one of the first states to legalize…

Can I Consume MMJ On The Day Of My COVID Jab?

April 20, 2021

Millions of medical marijuana patients are about to receive their COVID vaccine. COVID is still a relatively new disease, and receiving a vaccination will be a novel experience for many people. Unsurprisingly, medical cannabis patients have plenty of questions about…

Do Your Bones Ache In The Cold? 5 Ways To Treat Symptoms Of Arthritis

April 15, 2021

It’s a chilly evening outside, and the freezing temperatures aren’t doing your arthritis any favors. Do your bones ache in the cold? If so, you’re not alone – many arthritis patients find that the cold weather makes their condition worse.…

Vaccinations And MMJ: All You Need To Know

April 10, 2021

Now that the COVID-19 vaccine has arrived, it’s starting to feel like we just might make it to the other side of this pandemic. But because we’re still in the early stages of getting people vaccinated, there are still a…

How Do You Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Missouri?

April 5, 2021

Medical marijuana became legal in Missouri in 2018 when Missourians voted to enact Amendment 2, which legalized MMJ as a treatment option for a variety of medical conditions. In late 2019, the state of Missouri began awarding licenses to MMJ…

7 Tips On Treating Symptoms Of “Old Age”

March 30, 2021

As you get older, there are tons of changes that can occur in nearly every part of your body and mind. Some of these signs of aging can be relatively minor and won’t affect your day-to-day life, while others can…

Why Anxiety Is An Overlooked Mental Health Disorder (And 5 Tips On How To Treat It)

March 25, 2021

Anxiety can be provoked by an infinite number of situations, scenarios, thoughts, and/or biochemical reactions. It’s a feeling that everybody experiences from time to time, and yet every person’s anxiety feels different. Anxiety can be triggered in one person by…

Medical Marijuana And Immunity In The Winter: All You Need To Know

March 20, 2021

The winter months are the prime time for colds and flus. Between spending more time indoors with poor air circulation, and the fact that viruses tend to thrive in cold, low-humidity conditions, winter makes it much easier for people to…

Senior Citizens: 4 Tips On Staying Healthy Throughout The Year

March 15, 2021

As we grow older, it becomes especially important to keep on top of our health. Every human body accrues wear and tear as the years go by; this is an unavoidable aspect of life. But it doesn’t mean that we…

Would Dosing With MMJ Affect The COVID Vaccine?

March 10, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic is still in force after kicking off at the beginning of last year. The numbers rose steadily, and at the time of writing, over 107 million people have contracted the virus, with 2.3 million having lost their…

Can Herbal Remedies Really Treat Arthritis?

March 5, 2021

More and more people are looking to supplement their current chronic illness treatment plans with natural remedies. Many natural medicine options can provide relief from a variety of different ailments and the debilitating symptoms that often go along with them.…

We're here to make the process as easy as possible.

If you’ve got a renewal coming up, don’t sit on it! Together, we’ll take care of it and make sure that your medical marijuana consumption is safe and legal.

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